HOME Tohoku Miyagi Sendai And Matsushima Summer In Sendai: All You Need To Know When Traveling To Sendai Between June And August
Summer In Sendai: All You Need To Know When Traveling To Sendai Between June And August

Summer In Sendai: All You Need To Know When Traveling To Sendai Between June And August

Last updated: 31 May 2024

Summer in Sendai and the rest of Japan's northeastern Tohoku region is cooler than many other areas of Japan. However, in recent years, there are many days when temperatures exceed 30°C (86°F) in July and August.

When traveling, it's hard to know what weather we'll be met by. That's why here, a local writer will suggest what clothes to bring to Sendai in summer, showing also the data from past years for comparison.

And let's not forget the sightseeing and events that Sendai's summer has to offer!

Table of Contents
  1. What kind of area is Sendai and what kind of climate does it have all year round?
  2. Recommended sightseeing spots for summer in Sendai
  3. Sendai's Climate in July
  4. What to wear in July in Sendai
  5. Sendai's climate in August

What kind of area is Sendai and what kind of climate does it have all year round?

What kind of area is Sendai and what kind of climate does it have all year round?

Sendai is the largest city in the Tohoku region, located on a plain beside the Pacific Ocean. It is known for its many sunny days and milder climate compared to other areas in Tohoku. Despite having less snowfall, the cold sea breeze keeps the weather comfortable throughout the year.

Summer in Sendai is cooler than in Tokyo or Osaka, but average temperatures have risen in recent years, sometimes exceeding 30°C (86°F) during the day. Sendai's downtown area boasts an efficient public transportation system, which is especially useful on hot or rainy days.

Recommended sightseeing spots for summer in Sendai

When it comes to sightseeing in the summer months, we recommend spots where you can cool off.
Let's take a look at our recommendations for June, July, and August in Sendai.

Recommended sightseeing spots in Sendai in June

Photo courtesy of: Sendai Uminomori Aquarium
Photo courtesy of: Sendai Uminomori Aquarium

The rainy season in Sendai occurs from June to July, making these months wetter than other summer months. During this time, it's better to choose indoor destinations.

One such destination is the Sendai Uminomori Aquarium, located about a 25-minute drive from JR Sendai Station. The exhibitions are indoors, and the stadium for dolphin and sea lion performances is also covered. A free shuttle bus is available from JR Nakanosakae Station, which is an 18-minute ride from JR Sendai Station on the Senseki Line.

The aquarium's highlight is the Inochi Kirameku Umi, a tribute to the sea of Sanriku. This exhibit features 20,000 fish from 50 different species, creating a mesmerizing sight. In the large aquarium, a dynamic show is held three to four times a day, showcasing a large school of sardines swimming together. The show is enhanced with projection mapping and dramatic music, providing a fascinating experience.

Photo courtesy of: Kanezaki Co., Ltd.
Photo courtesy of: Kanezaki Co., Ltd.

Nearby Sendai Uminomori Aquarium, you’ll also find the Kanezaki Sasa Kamakan, where you can experience the hand-made and baked local specialty Sasa Kamaboko, and the Kirin Beer Sendai Factory, which also has a restaurant where you can try a host of dishes that match perfectly with beer. Stop by after enjoying the aquarium.

Sendai's weather in June

June is during the rainy season, although the exact period changes from year to year. Since the temperatures are close to 20°C, the humidity is high and the air feels damp.

June Averages in Sendai (Japan Meteorological Agency: 1981-2010)
Average temperature (℃)
Highest temperature (℃)
Lowest temperature (℃)
Precipitation (mm)
Humidity (%)

What should you wear in Sendai in June?

What should you wear in Sendai in June?

The average temperature in June is 18.5°C (65.3°F). The highest temperature reaches 22.5°C (72.5°F), which is not very high, but it can become hot and humid if there is continuous rain. It’s a good idea to wear light clothing, but also bring something to put on in cooler environments like air-conditioned indoors. Additionally, carrying an umbrella is recommended in case of sudden rain.

What to wear
(Men) short-sleeved T-shirt; (women) short-sleeved T-shirt+cardigan.
(Men) shorts; (women) light pants
(Men and women) sneakers

Recommended sightseeing spots in Sendai in July

Photo courtesy of: Atlantis
Photo courtesy of: Atlantis

Enjoy diving at the famous Akiu Great Falls in July. While diving is typically done in the sea, this unique experience involves diving into the basin of the waterfall. Feel the vibration and hear the roar of the water as it cascades into the basin—it's an incredible experience. You can also observe river fish like Kawamutu and Yamame up close.

Diving sessions at Akiu Great Falls are held from July to October each year. The fee includes equipment rental and transportation from JR Sendai Station.

In the Akiu Onsen area, where Akiu Great Falls is located, you can also paint kokeshi dolls at Akiu Winery, which sells local wine, and explore Akiu Village, a complex full of souvenirs. Don't miss the opportunity to relax at one of the hot-spring inns and enjoy the natural hot baths.

  • Akiu Great Falls Waterfall Diving
    秋保大滝 滝つぼダイビング
    • Address Ōtaki, Baba, Akiu-machi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0244
    • Phone: 050-6865-3047 (Atlantis)
      Open: July-October, reservation required
      Admission: 18,000 yen (including diving insurance)
      Website: http://atlantis-d.com/tbw-2/

Sendai's Climate in July

After the rainy season ends in mid-July, the weather typically becomes fine, and temperatures start to rise. In recent years, the average temperatures in July have exceeded 20°C (68°F), with highs around 25°C (77°F). In some years, temperatures have even approached 30°C (86°F).

July Averages in Sendai (Japan Meteorological Agency: 1981-2010)
Average temperature (℃)
Highest temperature (℃)
Lowest temperature (℃)
Precipitation (mm)
Humidity (%)

What to wear in July in Sendai

What to wear in July in Sendai

Tops with short sleeves and short pants are the way to go. If you're worried about sunburn or getting cold in air-conditioned locales, bring a light cardigan or use linen, which will keep your body temperature stable.

What to wear
(Men) Thin long-sleeved T-shirt; (women) short-sleeved T-shirt+light hoodie.
(Men) shorts; (women) light pants
(Men and women) sneakers

Recommended sightseeing spots in August

Photo courtesy of: Sendai Tanabata Festival Sponsorship
Photo courtesy of: Sendai Tanabata Festival Sponsorship

August is the month of Sendai's traditional Tanabata Festival. If you visit Sendai in summer, make time to see the festival. The Sendai Tanabata festival is held every year from August 6 to August 8. This festival was started by Date Masamune, the founder of the Sendai domain, to pray for the prosperity of the castle, and since, the streets are plastered with colorful decorations during those three days.

The festival's protagonist is a colossal windsock that flutters above the crowd—5 to 10 meters in length. One of the major traditional decorations is a bamboo tree adorned by five streamers, hand-made by locals. The main area of the festival is the so-called arcade town, but during the celebration days, Tanabata decorations of all sizes can be seen scattered in many areas of the city.

Also, on August 5, the day before the beginning of the festival, the Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival takes place. About 16,000 fireworks are set off. The recommended viewing spot is near Nishiki Park, right next to Jozenji-Dori. Look up at the beautiful fireworks while enjoying the street food typical of this time of the year.

*The event for 2022 has not yet been confirmed. Please check the official website for details

Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival
Phone: 022-222-9788 (Sendai Junior Chamber)
Taking place on August 5 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm (as per the current plan). It will be canceled in case of heavy rain.

Sendai's climate in August

Recently, the average temperatures in August have been 25°C (77°F) or higher, with highs often around 30°C (86°F). While Sendai is usually chilly in the mornings and evenings, in August, it remains hot all day long.

August in Japan is also the month of typhoons. Although it's rare for a typhoon to hit Sendai directly, the weather can change and worsen due to their influence. It's important to keep an eye on the weather forecast during this time.

August Averages in Sendai (Japan Meteorological Agency: 1981-2010)
Average temperature (℃)
Highest temperature (℃)
Lowest temperature (℃)
Precipitation (mm)
Humidity (%)

What to wear in August in Sendai

What to wear in August in Sendai

Like in July, light clothing will be your friend. To protect yourself from the strong sun, it's better to bring a hat and sunglasses, as well as sunscreen. An umbrella will be useful on both rainy and sunny days, and you'll easily find them in many drug stores and general stores.

What to wear
(Men and women) short-sleeved T-shirt
(Men) shorts; (women) light pants
(Men and women) sandals

Although summer in Sendai is not as heavy as that in the Kansai region, it can still be pretty hot, so make sure to take the appropriate measures against the heat and enjoy your sightseeing.

Text by: ShoePress

(This article was originally published in February 2021. Please check official websites for the latest information.)

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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