HOME Essential Japanese Phrases For Your Next Japan Trip
Essential Japanese Phrases For Your Next Japan Trip

Essential Japanese Phrases For Your Next Japan Trip

Date published: 16 February 2021

A trip to Japan is much more fun for those who can master a bit of Japanese! Whether it be for shopping, checking-in, or just getting about, being able to communicate with the locals will bring you much closer to their culture.

But with such a difficult language, getting started can be a struggle! If you’re feeling lost, here are some useful Japanese articles you can use when traveling in Japan.

Ultimate Japanese Phrase Guide: Tips for Your Trip from Start to Finish!

Ultimate Japanese Phrase Guide: Tips for Your Trip from Start to Finish!

For the essential phrases you’ll definitely need during your Japan adventures, look no further than here! Without delving into grammar and structure, we present frank, easy-to-memorize phrases that will make you understood without any fuss. From exchanging money to ordering dinner, don’t get on the plane until you’ve got these down pat!

Kansai-Ben: 18 Fun Kansai Dialect Phrases To Use When Visiting Osaka!

Kansai-Ben: 18 Fun Kansai Dialect Phrases To Use When Visiting Osaka!

Of all Japan's dialects, Kansai-ben is perhaps the most well-known. Often used in comedy TV shows, it is a frank and amusing way of speaking. This article introduces Kansai-ben words and phrases to impress the locals and make your trip to central Japan a breeze!

Survival Japanese: 10+ Useful Phrases for Sightseeing

Survival Japanese: 10+ Useful Phrases for Sightseeing

Despite studying since junior high school, the average Japanese citizen has a surprisingly low English level. For those used to English-only trips around Europe or Asia, coming to Japan can be a little shocking!

While you don't need to master the Japanese language to have a memorable trip, a little Japanese can go a long way! Here are some "survival Japanese" phrases that will help make things a little smoother during your travels!

50 Easy Japanese Phrases for Expressing Your Opinion or Feeling in Japanese!

50 Easy Japanese Phrases for Expressing Your Opinion or Feeling in Japanese!

If you’re looking to move beyond simple requests and start making genuine Japanese friends, the next step in your language journey is to express yourself! From discussing your feelings to chatting about the weather, you’ll be able to have simple, yet meaningful conversations in no time!

Here we’ll introduce some words and phrases you can use when you want to express your opinion or feelings in Japanese, as well as how to ask others what they think.

Emergency Japanese: Necessary Japanese Words/Phrases for Use in Emergencies

Emergency Japanese: Necessary Japanese Words/Phrases for Use in Emergencies

Sudden cancelations, falling ill, encountering earthquakes and typhoons. When events like these occur, you need to seek assistance! Being able to communicate with those around you and obtain up-to-date information during times of strife is extremely important.

While Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, things do happen! Knowing some key Japanese phrases to use in times of emergencies can mitigate trouble and save your trip...or life!

Wait, “Sayonara” Isn’t Natural Japanese?! How to Say Goodbye in Japanese Like a Local!

Wait, “Sayonara” Isn’t Natural Japanese?! How to Say Goodbye in Japanese Like a Local!

You'll probably be scratching your head on this one! Isn't "sayonara" goodbye in Japanese? Well, yes and no.

What Japanese textbooks usually don’t teach is that sayonara can be rude in some situations! Here we explore the nuance of this complicated word, along with some better ways to say goodbye depending on the situation!

Japanese Are so Polite! 52 Essential Phrases to Understand Japanese Manners & Daily Life

Japanese Are so Polite! 52 Essential Phrases to Understand Japanese Manners & Daily Life

You don’t need to be fluent to have fun in Japan! With just a few dozen phrases, you’ll be able to chat, make friends, and get enough information to make your Japan trip smooth and enjoyable!

Here we’ve collected 52 of the most used Japanese phrases you’re likely to need during your journey. Memorize them and you’ll look like a pro!

10 Important Japanese Phrases to Know Before You Enter a Japanese Convenience Store!

10 Important Japanese Phrases to Know Before You Enter a Japanese Convenience Store!

Convenience store connoisseurs might already know irasshaimase (welcome) and arigatou gozaimasu (thank you very much), but what about all the other stuff convenience store staff say? These lightning-fast and often mumbled phrases can stump even top-level language students! To make your next combini visit a walk in the park, check out our list of 10 essential Japanese convenience store phrases!

Over-wrapped! How To Limit Plastic Waste While In Japan

Over-wrapped! How To Limit Plastic Waste While In Japan

For newcomers to Japan, one big surprise is the sheer amount of unnecessary packaging. While new laws now ensure plastic bags cost a small fee, Japan continues to be one of the largest producers of plastic waste per capita in the world.

If you find yourself being bombarded with excess packaging during your time in Japan, here are some key phrases and tips on how you can cope!

Essential 25 Japanese Travel Phrases You Need to Know Before Your Trip

Essential 25 Japanese Travel Phrases You Need to Know Before Your Trip

While there is ample material teaching complex Japanese from the ground up, as a first-time visitor to Japan, it can all be a bit overwhelming!

Spending time memorizing grammar patterns and Japanese characters is rewarding and useful in the long run, but for those with a quick vacation coming up, you’ll need the basics fast! Here we cover the situations you’ll likely encounter in Japan and the phrases you’ll need to counter each one!

For students of Japanese, the seemingly endless characters, homophones, and varying dialects form a formidable barrier to becoming fluent! However, for those visiting Japan on a quick and exciting getaway, basic Japanese phrases are super easy to remember and will make a world of difference to your travels! Don’t assume everyone will speak English - impress the locals and ensure a stress-free trip with our basic Japanese guides!

Written by:
Steve Csorgo
Steve Csorgo

From Melbourne, Australia, Steve lives in Niigata City, two hours north-west of Tokyo. His passions include discovering local sake, dining at interesting restaurants and travelling as much of Japan as possible.

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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