

Nikko:Overview & History

Nikko:Overview & History

Nikko, the beautiful mountain town, is only a two-hour train ride away from Tokyo, and thus makes for an excellent daytrip destination. Nikko is a place where you can enjoy many historic sites and verdant nature with abundant clean water. Must-visit sites include Nikko Toshogu Shrine, Nikko-zan Rin-noji Temple and Nikko Futarasan-jinja, which were granted UNESCO World Cultural Heritage status in 1999 as Shrines and Temples of Nikko; and the Oku-Nikko wetland, which was designated as a Ramsar site in 2005. Beautiful seasonal landscapes are also attractive features of Nikko, such as the early spring greenery and fall foliage at Kegon Falls and Ryuzu Falls.


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