HOME Kansai Osaka Namba, Dotonbori, Shinsaibashi Daiso Osaka: Japan’s Famous 100 Yen Shop – Top Popular Goods With Osaka Tourists!
Daiso Osaka: Japan’s Famous 100 Yen Shop – Top Popular Goods With Osaka Tourists!

Daiso Osaka: Japan’s Famous 100 Yen Shop – Top Popular Goods With Osaka Tourists!

Last updated: 13 January 2021

Daiso Osaka and other 100 yen shops are getting more and more popular among foreign visitors to Japan. The reason is down to the simple fact that “You can get high-quality products with ‘one coin.’”

The Daiso Shinsaibashi-suji 2-chome store is located in the Shinsaibashi-suji shopping district near Osaka Metro Shinsaibashi Station. If you’re wondering what tourists are buying at the 100-yen shop, here’s what a few had to say!

Daiso Osaka: A great spot for souvenirs

Daiso Osaka: A great spot for souvenirs

Daiso Shinsaibashi-suji 2-chome store is located on the Shinsaibashi-suji shopping street, which is always bustling with tourists. There’s a drug store on the 1st floor, and Daiso occupies the 2nd through 4th floors. The atmosphere is slightly different from typical Daiso branches. Designed with tourists in mind, a large number of items popular with overseas visitors are displayed on the main aisles.

Who speaks your language?
Who speaks your language?

Product descriptions are displayed in English, Chinese, and Korean, and some staff members can speak English and Chinese. Added to which, staff members have a badge which displays what languages they can speak.

The store welcomes customer photos for posting on social media sites. More than 80% of customers that visit the store are non-Japanese, and while any customers learn about the shop by word of mouth, Daiso would like to be discovered through social media too. There are many interesting items with cute packaging throughout the store, so you’re sure to find some insta-worthy memories.

One of Daiso Shinsaibashi's most popular products: cosmetics!

One of Daiso Shinsaibashi's most popular products: cosmetics!

Cosmetics are some of the store’s most popular items. Two Taiwanese sisters in their 20s bought foundation sponges and sunscreen. One said, “I was on a trip and I happened to pass by here. I heard from a friend that Daiso's sponge was good, so I thought I would buy it.” High quality Japanese cosmetics are very popular in Taiwan and she added, “I basically [only] use Japanese products.”

“Whitening Essence” is another hit item amongst Asian customers. This and other lotions in the same series make popular souvenirs, and many shoppers buy them in bulk quantities. According to the Daiso Osaka Shinsaibashi manager, Tsuyoshi Inukai, “Everyone buys in bulk. With this alone, 10,000 [of one item] may be sold a month.” When asked how many products customers buy, he said “Some customers spent 130,000 yen with one cart full of items.” That’s 1,300 100-yen products – amazing!

“Puff / sponge detergent” (pictured above) is popular both in Japan and overseas. It’s a great fragrance-free product for everyday cleaning at an affordable price.

How is it cheaper in Japan?! Food products prove popular too

How is it cheaper in Japan?! Food products prove popular too

Daiso also sells food and sweets that tourists come looking for. A Malaysian couple in their 30s were shopping in the 2nd floor’s food section and the man said, “We happened to pass by. There is Daiso in Malaysia, but the price is higher than here.” His wife added, “Rice crackers are my favorite. I've eaten this Yuki no Yado, but this is this first time I ’ve seen this soy sauce. It looks delicious and I want to try it.”

Mr. Tsuyoshi Inukai, the manager
Mr. Tsuyoshi Inukai, the manager

The most popular food item is roasted chestnuts (muki amaguri). According to Mr. Inukai, there are several types of peeled sweet chestnuts, but the 120-gram package (pictured above, right) is the best value. “It's a lot to get for the price. It’s much better than other stores.” The chestnuts are 100% organically grown in China. Although they’re a popular Daiso product nationwide, sales at the Shinsaibashi-suji 2-chome store are particularly good.

Eye catching items you didn’t expect in the “Miscellaneous” corner!

Eye catching items you didn’t expect in the “Miscellaneous” corner!

A Taiwanese couple in their 20s was looking for a can opener. “I heard from a friend, and there are good product reviews online. There is Daiso in Taiwan, but the products are made in China. I came because I wanted something made in Japan. Unfortunately, the can opener we came for was out of stock,” the woman said, but added, “I found a lot of different things to buy though.” Mr. Inukai said, “Miscellaneous Japanese goods are popular because they are easy to use. Some people buy nail clippers in large quantities.”

Ninjas and kimono dolls (1,200 yen, tax excluded)
Ninjas and kimono dolls (1,200 yen, tax excluded)

Another part of the store features fun Japanese souvenirs like sushi-shaped bowls and fans. Ninja and kimono dolls are also perfect gifts. “There are other Japanese stores that sell similar products, but this is the only place with such a wide variety,” says Mr. Inukai. Some products, like the dolls, are not 100 yen, but they are still reasonably priced.

Ballpoint pens with cute, smiling kokeshi dolls on top are popular with Westerners. There are four colors, and many people buy these “Japanese Character Pens” as well as sushi-themed pens.

Best-selling charging / communication cable
Best-selling charging / communication cable

Smartphone related products can be found on the 4th floor, including useful items like charging / communication cables compatible with both Android and iPhone (pictured above). Cables like these are another common bulk-buy, and with so many to choose from, travelers will often ask the staff “What can I use this for?” if they’re unable to read the packaging.

The aisles are wide for easy shopping
The aisles are wide for easy shopping

The Daiso Shinsaibashi-suji 2-chome store is spacious and offers a comfortable shopping experience. Its location in Shinsaibashi makes it easy to stop by after sightseeing, and the store is characterized by a richer selection of cosmetics and food items that are popular with foreigners. There is no tax-free service, but that’s certainly no hinderance to finding value-priced products here!

  • Daiso Shinsaibashi-suji 2-chome store
    • Address 2-2-19 Shinsaibashi, Chuo-Ku, Osaka, 542-0085
    • Hours: 10:00 - 22:00

Text by:Niki Shigemi

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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