Sakana-to Sumibi Robata-no GinsukeNakatsu
魚と炭火 炉ばたのぎんすけ 中津店
- Has Health & Safety Measures
29 result(s)
5 kinds of sashimi (minimum for 2 persons)
刺身5種盛り(2人前から)- 899 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Raw
Grilled scallop with butter
帆立のバター焼き- 649 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Butter
- Ingredients Scallop
additional risotto
追い飯リゾット- 176 JPY
- (Including tax)
Simmered beef tendon
牛すじ煮込み- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Simmer
- Ingredients Beef tendon
Potato salad
ポテトサラダ- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Mix/Blend
- Ingredients Carrot, Potato
Dried Fruit Cream Cheese
ドライフルーツのクリームチーズ- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
Edamame beans
枝豆- 429 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Boil
- Ingredients Edamame
漬物- 429 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Pickle
- Ingredients Cucumber, Daikon radish
Miso cucumbers
味噌きゅうり- 429 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Flavor Miso
- Ingredients Cucumber
Grilled chicken with saikyo miso
鶏肉の西京焼き- 759 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Pickle, Bake/Roast
- Flavor Miso: Others
- Ingredients Chicken
Charcoal-grilled medium-rare ribs
中落ちカルビ炭火焼- 869 JPY
- (Including tax)
Grilled crab meat and tomalley in shell
カニ味噌甲羅焼- 869 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Crab, Crab miso paste
Dried fish seasoned with mirin
味醂干し- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Dry
- Flavor Mirin
Lightly-dried Atka mackerel
ホッケの一夜干し- 869 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Dry, Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Okhotsk atka mackerel
Onion oven-grilled
玉ねぎのオーブン焼き- 429 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Oven-baking
- Ingredients Onion
Ray fin
エイヒレ- 605 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Dry
- Ingredients Ray fin
Fried thigh meat
ももの唐揚げ- 649 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Ingredients Chicken thigh
French fries
フライドポテト- 429 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Ingredients Potato
Crab cream croquette
カニクリームコロッケ- 319 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Flavor White sauce
- Ingredients Bread crumbs, Crab
Deep-fried daikon radish
大根の唐揚げ- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Ingredients Daikon radish
Fried tofu
厚揚げ- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Ingredients Tofu
Japanese-style rolled omelet
だし巻き卵- 649 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Hen's egg
豆腐- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Ingredients Tofu
Homemade Meat Sauce Potato Cheese
手作りミートソースのじゃがチーズ- 649 JPY
- (Including tax)
Ground meat miso rice ball
肉味噌おにぎり- 385 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Mix/Blend
- Flavor Miso
- Ingredients Processed meat product
Ume chazuke (plum and rice with tea)
梅茶漬け- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Cover/Add
- Ingredients Rice, Ume (Japanese apricot)
Shake chazuke(salmon and rice with tea)
鮭茶漬け- 539 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Cover/Add
- Ingredients Salmon, Rice
Soupless dandan noodle meal
汁なし坦々麺定食- 759 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Mix/Blend
- Flavor Chinese chili bean sauce, Red pepper
- Ingredients Scallion/Green onion/Leek, Cashew nut, Chinese noodles
Buckwheat noodles (only noodles)
そば(麺のみ)- 110 JPY
- (Including tax)
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.