• Kurakura


焼酎Barくらくら 梅田DDハウス
  • Has Health & Safety Measures


98 result(s)
  • Tomino Hozan Fruity and easy-to-drink sake for beginners

    Tomino Hozan Fruity and easy-to-drink sake for beginners

    【富乃宝山】 フルーティーで飲みやすい初心者向けのお酒
    • 858 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Auspicious Treasure Mountain One with the scent of sweet potatoes using black koji

    Auspicious Treasure Mountain One with the scent of sweet potatoes using black koji

    【吉兆宝山】 黒麹を使用した芋の香りが漂う1本
    • 858 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satsuma Treasure Mountain Reduce the koji rate and feel the aromatic aroma and rich taste

    Satsuma Treasure Mountain Reduce the koji rate and feel the aromatic aroma and rich taste

    【薩摩宝山】 麹歩合を少なくして芳香な香りを感じ豊かな味わい
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • One that is sweet and richand has a good balance of taste and aroma

    One that is sweet and richand has a good balance of taste and aroma

    花蝶木虫  甘口でコクがあり味と香りのバランスがとれた1本
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
  • The gorgeous aroma and mellow mouthfeel of red camellia kame pot storehouse

    The gorgeous aroma and mellow mouthfeel of red camellia kame pot storehouse

    紅椿 かめ壺蔵蔵の華やかな香りとまろやかな口当たり
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Flavorful authentic shochu made by aging and storing black koji

    Flavorful authentic shochu made by aging and storing black koji

    㐂六 黒麹を熟成貯蔵した風味豊かな本格焼酎
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
  • seikouudoku 


    晴耕雨読 米焼酎をほんのりブレンドし柔らかな甘みが感じられる一本
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
  • Bunise


    不二才 芋の風味が強く芋焼酎好きの為に1本
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kinpo Sakurai

    Kinpo Sakurai

    金峰櫻井 味のない上質でソフトな甘さ、広がりのある味わい
    • 800 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kinpo Sakuraikuro

    Kinpo Sakuraikuro

    金峰櫻井 黒麹 厚みのある芋の香りが疑縮していく甘い香りが特徴
    • 913 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kura no Shikon

    Kura no Shikon

    蔵の師魂 まろやかな味わいを持った1本
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
  • Tsurunashi Genji

    Tsurunashi Genji

    蔓無源氏 大正時代の芋を復活させて造った、華やかな焼酎
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Imokoji (Imo)

    Imokoji (Imo)

    いも麹 芋 麹に米を使用していない芋100%の焼酎
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satsuma Kokubu

    Satsuma Kokubu

    さつま国分 地元で愛される毎日飲んでもあきない焼酎
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • A drop of Taisho

    A drop of Taisho

    【大正の一滴】  芋の風味を逃していない一本
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satoh Black

    Satoh Black

    佐藤 黒 力強い香りと味わい
    • 968 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Akarui Noson

    Akarui Noson

    明るい農村 コクときれの良さを追求
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satsuma Shimabijin

    Satsuma Shimabijin

    さつま島美人 鹿児島県では一番人気
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • tanabata mu roka

    tanabata mu roka

    たなばた 無濾過 きれの良い辛口仕立て
    • 737 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • tanabata koshu

    tanabata koshu

    たなばた 古酒 芋の旨味がしっかりした昔ながらの焼酎
    • 825 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Nakamura


    なかむら 上品かつ後味も心地よい
    • 902 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Gyokuro


    玉露 すっきりかつ甘口でコクのある味わい
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Yamaneko


    山ねこ 焼酎用の芋を使用したすっきりとした一本
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kakutama


    角玉 旨みがしっかりした昔ながらの焼酎
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kusabi


    楔 熟成貯蔵した風味豊かな焼酎
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Umi


    海 クセのないすっきりとした飲みやすい一本
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • kuroshimabizin


    黒島美人 深い味わいと口の中に広がる甘みが特徴
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Mogura


    もぐら 芋本来のもつポテンシャルがそのまま楽しめます
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satsuma Chaya

    Satsuma Chaya

    薩摩茶屋 キレの良いバランスの取れた芋焼酎
    • 990 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • mannnennshirokouzi


    萬年白麹 白麴仕込みのソフトで柔らかい味わい
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • mannnennkurokouzi


    萬年黒麹 一本筋の通った旨みのある個性的な味わい
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kujira no Bottle

    Kujira no Bottle

    くじらのボトル 華やかな香りと口当たり
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satsuma Kotobuki

    Satsuma Kotobuki

    さつま寿 甘く華やかな香りがふんわりと鼻を刺激する
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Junkuro Kametsubo Jikomi

    Junkuro Kametsubo Jikomi

    純黒 かめ壺仕込み 黒麹独特のコクとキレ
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satsuma no Kaori

    Satsuma no Kaori

    薩摩の薫 豊かな香りとコクのあるふくよかで円熟した味わい
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kawagoe


    川越 米焼酎ブレンドしたまろやかな口当たり
    • 825 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • kinnnotuyu


    金の露 芋らしい味わい
    • 792 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Isami


    伊佐美 口当たりがまろやかで飲み飽きない一本
    • 946 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Yakiimo Kurose

    Yakiimo Kurose

    やきいも黒瀬 芋を焼いて製造、甘みが存分に感じられます
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • tuma


    妻 ふかし芋のような柔らかな香り
    • 935 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • tukinonaka


    月の中 その日に採れた新鮮な芋を使用
    • 825 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Rokudaime Yuri

    Rokudaime Yuri

    六代目百合 軽快さかつ原料の個性も残した焼酎
    • 792 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Mitake


    三岳 白麹で仕込んだ柔らかいコクが味わえる焼酎
    • 968 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • kamikura


    神座 芋の旨味のため通常より度数を3度高くしている
    • 770 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 28%
  • Hachiman


    八幡 雑味の無いまろやかな口当たり
    • 814 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Takura


    田倉 厳選された有機栽培の米とイモで生まれた本格焼酎
    • 825 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sweet Potato Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Genroin


    元老院 綺麗な琥珀色をし、ウイスキーの様でほのかな香り
    • 770 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Hitotsubu no Mugi

    Hitotsubu no Mugi

    一粒の麦 軽快辛口麦焼酎
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Tenpai


    天盃 さらりとした飲みやすさとたしかなコク
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • zyuhukukinuko


    寿福絹子 麦の甘味と旨味が感じられる焼酎
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Mugi Mugi Asahi-Mannen

    Mugi Mugi Asahi-Mannen

    麦麦 旭万年 香ばしさが鼻にぬける濃い味の焼酎
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • mannenhoshi


    万年星 香ばしさが特徴
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kuro Sasori

    Kuro Sasori

    黒さそり パンチのある味わいと香りが楽しめる焼酎
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Chaya


    茶屋 口当たりはとてもまろやかで微かな甘みのある焼酎
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Ida Manriki

    Ida Manriki

    井田萬力 すっきりした良さと麦の味わいの良いバランスの焼酎
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Taimei


    泰明 常圧と減圧のブレンド
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Tokujo Taimei

    Tokujo Taimei

    特蒸泰明 スモーキーで飲み応えのある焼酎
    • 792 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kanehachi


    兼八 チョコレートを思わせる甘みと焦げたような香りが楽しめる焼酎
    • 880 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Amakusa


    天草 飲みやすくキレイな味わい
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • koma


    駒 芳醇でまろやかな味わいを合わせ持つ一本
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Sengamejo


    千亀女 非常に芳醇な香味が特徴の焼酎
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Yamazaru


    山猿 徹底した手作りで造られた風味豊かな焼酎
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Sandan-jikomi


    三段仕込み 米麹と麦麴を使用したこだわりの一本
    • 792 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Satoh Mugi

    Satoh Mugi

    佐藤 麦 香ばしさと程よい甘さが心地良い一本
    • 858 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Nakanaka


    中々 軽快な香りとスムーズな味わいと実現した一本
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Chingushiro


    ちんぐ白 蔵とちんぐが集まってプロデュースした焼酎
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • chingukuro


    ちんぐ黒 米と麦、1対2の壱岐焼酎
    • 693 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Barley Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Mushagaeshi


    武者返し 米の風味とほのかな甘みが感じられる焼酎
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kyudaimegonenkosyu


    九代目五年古酒 甕で仕込んだ口当たりなめらかな一本
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • akatonbonouta


    赤とんぼの詩 米焼酎とは一線を画す、非常に豊かな味わい
    • 825 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Ohishityouichiro


    大石長一郎 熟成された原酒を絶妙にブレンドした限定酒
    • 935 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Torikai


    鳥飼 南国の香りと後味の軽さが魅力の米焼酎
    • 1,045 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Toyonagakura


    豊永蔵 キメ細やかで綺麗な味わい
    • 803 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Toyonagakurazyouathu


    豊永蔵常圧 米の香りに香ばしさがプラスされた焼酎
    • 825 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Yamasemi


    山翡翠 ヒノヒカリを使用した華やかな香りとまろやかな味わいを持つ焼酎
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Rice Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kari Harusame

    Kari Harusame

    カリー春雨 3年以内の熟成で凝縮された深みのある泡盛
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Awamori
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%
  • Harusamegold


    春雨ゴールド 古酒のような熟成感のある泡盛
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Awamori
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%
  • Taragawa


    多良川 風味と香りが落ち着いた味わいの泡盛
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Awamori
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%
  • Zanpa


    残波 泡盛初心者向けの一本
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Awamori
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Kumejima no Kumesen

    Kumejima no Kumesen

    久米島の久米仙 水の甘味を生かした泡盛
    • 638 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Awamori
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%
  • Kumesen


    久米仙古酒 全麴仕込み・常圧蒸留にして造り上げられた古酒
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Awamori
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 43%
  • Chura Botaru

    Chura Botaru

    美ら蛍 複雑な香りと独特の風味をかもし出している泡盛
    • 858 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Awamori
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 43%


    朝日 昔ながらの瓶仕込みで滑らかな逸品
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%


    壱乃醸 朝日 柔らかい甘みのある焼酎
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%


    飛乃流 朝日 白麹を使用しているためまろやかでやわらいかい甘味があります
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Maransen


    まーらん船 余韻のあるまろやかで懐かしい味わい
    • 792 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Tenkaichi


    天下一 ワイルドで伸びのある力つよい味わい
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%
  • Shimayusen


    島有泉 サンゴ礁から湧き出る地下水で仕込んだ焼酎
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • amaminagakumo


    あまみ長雲 甘さとコク、スッキリとした口当たりを併せ持つ
    • 792 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%
  • Nagakumo Ichibanbashi

    Nagakumo Ichibanbashi

    長雲一番橋 黒蜜のような厚みのある香りと味わい
    • 814 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Brown Sugar Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 30%
  • Tenzan Togakushi

    Tenzan Togakushi

    天山戸隠 口当たりは上品で洗練されている
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Buckwheat Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • gohei


    御幣 インパクトのある香り深みのある味わい
    • 715 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Buckwheat Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Ten no Miroku

    Ten no Miroku

    天の美禄 香り豊かな八女茶を使用した焼酎
    • 25 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Beniotome


    紅乙女 豊かなごまの香りと熟成されたまろやかさ
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Sesame Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • goryoukaku


    五稜郭 麦とミルクホエーを原料にした焼酎
    • 748 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 20%
  • Matsurika


    茉莉花 ソーダ割がフレッシュでおススメ
    • 660 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 20%
  • Dabadahiburi


    ダバダ火振 四万十産の栗をつかった焼酎
    • 682 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 25%
  • Yama no Ka

    Yama no Ka

    山の香 赤しそと米の香りがさえわたる
    • 770 JPY
    • (Including tax)
    • Types of drink Perilla Shochu
    • Country of origin Japan
    • Alcohol content 20%
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.