9 result(s)
Edamame beans
丹波産 黒枝豆- Medium Serving 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Steam
- Ingredients Edamame
Smashed cucumber salad
自家製だれのたたききゅうり- Medium Serving 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Raw, Pickle
- Flavor Salt
- Ingredients Cucumber
京漬物の盛合せ- Medium Serving 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Pickle
- Flavor Salt
- Ingredients Daikon radish
Marinated cod roe
博多直送 炙り明太子- Medium Serving 528 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Burn/Sear, Rare
- Flavor Salt
- Ingredients Marinated cod roe
アボカドのお刺身- Medium Serving 528 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Raw
- Ingredients Avocado
Other mixed rice / rice dishes
白ご飯- Small Serving 330 JPY
- Medium Serving 385 JPY
- Large Serving 440 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Ingredients Rice
Ochazuke(rice with tea)
お茶漬け(塩昆布/梅/明太子)- Meals For 1 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Cover/Add
- Ingredients Rice
Other mixed rice / rice dishes
揚げおにぎり出汁浸し- Medium Serving 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry, Cover/Add
- Flavor Soy sauce
- Ingredients Rice
Wheat noodles
博多直送 明太子のクリームうどん- Medium Serving 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Mix/Blend, Boil
- Flavor Cream sauce
- Ingredients Marinated cod roe, Udon
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.