24 result(s)
Three kinds of grilled meatballs
3種の彩りつくね焼き- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Skewer roasting
- Flavor Grated daikon radish, Mayonnaise, Ponzu
- Ingredients Ground chicken, Cheese, Marinated cod roe
Salt-grilled chicken neck
せせり塩焼き- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Salt
- Ingredients Chicken neck
Grilled gizzard with garlic butter
砂肝ガーリックバター焼き- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Butter
- Ingredients Chicken gizzard, Garlic
Grilled beef intestine with miso sauce
ホソの味噌ダレ焼き- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Miso
- Ingredients Beef small intestine
Grilled atka mackerel
ホッケ焼き- 968 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Okhotsk atka mackerel
Salted and grilled mackerel
塩鯖焼き- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Salt
- Ingredients Mackerel
Grilled sablefish with Saikyo miso
銀だらの西京焼き- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Kyoto-style miso
- Ingredients Sablefish
Shishamo smelt with roe
子持ちししゃも焼き- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Shishamo smelt
Fried chicken wings
手羽中のパリパリ唐揚げ- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Ingredients Chicken drumstick
fried sweet potato
海老芋の唐揚げ- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
Fried Beef Offal
ホソの唐揚げ- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Ingredients Beef small intestine
Assorted fried cutlet skewers, 5 kinds
串カツ盛り合わせ5種- 968 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Ingredients Pork tenderloin, Mozzarella cheese, Shrimp, Lotus root, Wheat starch
Fried cartilage
軟骨の塩唐揚げ- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Flavor Salt
- Ingredients Chicken cartilage
Fried chicken with vinegar and tartar sauce
自家製タルタルのチキン南蛮- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Flavor Tartar sauce
- Ingredients Chicken, Onion, Hen's egg, Wheat flour
Pork cutlet
京都ぽーくのとんかつ- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Flavor Cooking oil
- Ingredients Bread crumbs, Kyoto pork
Shrimp tempura
海老の天ぷら- 2stick(s) 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Flavor Cooking oil
- Ingredients Wheat flour, Shrimp
Marinated deep-fried mackerel
ねぎだく塩鯖の竜田揚げ- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Deep-fry
- Flavor Frying oil
- Ingredients Mackerel, Potato starch, Scallion/Green onion/Leek
Wagyu beef, egg and rice
和牛肉玉飯- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Ingredients Wagyu beef, Hen's egg, Rice
Seafood rice bowl
海鮮飯- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Raw
- Ingredients Rice
Assorted nigiri sushi, 6 kinds
おまかせにぎり6貫盛- 1,408 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Raw
- Ingredients Vinegared rice
Rice and miso soup
御飯・みそ汁セット- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Stew
- Flavor Miso, Dashi
- Ingredients Vegetable, Rice, Tofu, Seafood
自家製とろとろプリン- 528 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Harden/Congeal
- Flavor Vanilla essence
- Ingredients Hen's egg, Milk
Vanilla ice cream
バニラアイスクリーム- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Freeze
- Flavor Vanilla essence
- Ingredients Hen's egg, Milk
cream soda
空色クリームソーダ- 528 JPY
- (Including tax)
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.