A Zen temple of the Rinzai Sect of Buddhism, world famous for its traditional rock garden.
The Osawa-no-ike Pond is famous for its cherry blossoms and moon-viewing pavilion
Enjoy the burning red foliage in autumn and the cherry blossoms and rhododendrons in spring
Quietly praying to the rakan statues on the hillsides
The mountain villa of Minamoto no Toru, the model for Hikaru Genji
A famous location for autumn leaves, connected to Kukai (Kobo-daishi)
A thatched hut that stands in lush greenery
Famous for its majestic, moss-covered garden
A Zen temple of the Rinzai School built in the scenic area of Arashimaya in Kyoto. It was built by Takauji Ashikaga in memory of the recently deceased Emperor Go-Daigo.
Happiness arrives with the buzzing of bell crickets
Featuring a garden created by Motonobu Kano
A temple of the Nichiren sect on Mt. Ogura in Sagano. It is well-known for ”Hyakunin Isshu” (a collection of 100 poems by 100 different poets). In autumn, the nearby mountains awash with brilliant red leaves.
Check out the ”Sento Kuyo” ceremony on summer nights
A majestic temple and garden with beautiful Arashiyama in the background
The head temple of the Shingon Sect's Omuro School. Holding a long association with the Imperial Household, the temple is also well known for its late-blooming cherry trees called Omuro-zakura.
The head temple of the Myoshin-ji Temple school of the Rinzai sect. It is Japan's largest Zen temple, with 46 sub-temples.
The roads are covered with colorful leaves in autumn
Established by Emperor Shirakawa during the Heian Period, the temple's name derives from the ingo (posthumous Buddhist name) of Yoshiakira Ashikaga, the second shogun of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). While exploring the precinct, you'll find the graves of Yoshiakira and Masatsura Kusunoki, the busho (military commander) of Nancho (Southern Court) located next to each other. Masatsura was much respected by Yoshiakira even though he was an enemy general. During autumn, the maple leaves turn a striking red (visitors are not allowed to bring in a tripod stand or a unipod).
Famous for its national treasure, a statue of Miroku Bosatsu