36 result(s)
Kakogawa Highball
加古川ハイボール- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Highball
Johnny Coke Highball
ジョニーコークハイボール- 825 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Highball
Roses Ginger Highball
ローゼスジンジャーハイボール- 825 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Highball
Heartland Beer
ハートランドビール- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Beer
- Country of origin Japan
- Alcohol content 5%
Kirin Ichiban Stout
キリン 一番搾り黒生- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Dark Beer
- Country of origin Japan
- Alcohol content 5%
Kirin Brau Meister
キリン ブラウマイスター- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Beer
- Country of origin Japan
- Alcohol content 5.5%
Heartland/Ichiban Shibori Black Draft Beer
ハーフ&ハーフ(ビール)- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Beer
Braumeister/Ichiban Shibori Black Draft Beer
ハーフ&ハーフ(ビール)- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Beer
Non-Alcoholic Beer
ノンアルコールビール- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Non-Alcoholic Beer
Cocktails (Beer Base)
シャンディガフ- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Beer Base)
Red Eye
レッドアイ- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Beer Base)
Cassis and Beer
カシスビア- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Beer Base)
Bitter Orange
ビターオレンジ- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Beer Base)
Cocktails (Wine Base)
オペレーター- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Wine Base)
Coke Wine
カリモーチョ- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Wine Base)
キティ- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Wine Base)
ミモザ- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Champagne Base)
キール- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Wine Base)
Kir Royale
キール・ロワイヤル- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Champagne Base)
Gin and Tonic
ジントニック- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Gin Base)
Cuba Libre
キューバリブレ(キューバリバー)- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Rum Base)
Moscow Mule
モスコミュール- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Vodka Base)
スクリュードライバー- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Vodka Base)
Fuzzy Navel
ファジーネーブル- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Peach Base)
Peach and Oolong
ピーチウーロン- 715 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Cocktails (Peach Base)
Johnnie Walker
ジョニーウォーカー- 748 JPY
- Full Bottle 10,978 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Whiskey
- Country of origin Scotland
- How to With Ice / Straight / With Water / With Hot Water / With Soda
Four Roses
フォアローゼズ- 1,628 JPY
- Full Bottle 30,800 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Whiskey
- Country of origin USA
- How to With Ice / Straight / With Water / With Hot Water / With Soda
Soft Drinks
Orange Juice
オレンジジュース- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Soft Drinks
Oolong Tea
ウーロン茶- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Soft Drinks
コーラ- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Soft Drinks
Ginger Ale
ジンジャーエール- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Soft Drinks
カルピス- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Soft Drinks
Calpico Soda
カルピスソーダ- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Soft Drinks
コーヒー- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Coffee
Cafe Latte
カフェラテ- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Coffee
Black Tea
紅茶- 550 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Types of drink Black Tea
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.