HOME Tokyo and Surroundings Tokyo Ryogoku / TOKYO SKYTREE(R) All-You-Can-Eat/Drink Sushi & Sake for ¥5,000!? “Little Sake Square” is Perfect for Foodies!
All-You-Can-Eat/Drink Sushi & Sake for ¥5,000!? “Little Sake Square” is Perfect for Foodies!

All-You-Can-Eat/Drink Sushi & Sake for ¥5,000!? “Little Sake Square” is Perfect for Foodies!

Date published: 16 November 2018

Little Sake Square in Kinshicho holds an all you can eat and drink event every month. The event offers around 80 brands of sake and superb sushi. This time we experienced the ¥5,000 event with all you can eat sushi, Japanese dishes, and all you can drink sake.

Little Sake Square - selected sake and foods, right near the station!

Little Sake Square - selected sake and foods, right near the station!

The shop is located about a one minute walk from Kinshicho Station North Exit, and offers all you can drink sake from about 80 brands of sake for ¥3,240 every day!

Also the various events held every month offers all you can eat dishes such as sushi, oden (Japanese pot dish with various ingredients like eggs, daikon, and fishcakes), and shirako nabe (milt hotpot), which matches sake perfectly. If you’re keen to sample some exquisite sake, this is sure to become your new perfect hangout.

All-you-can-drink service lasts until last order at 10 PM, making it a perfect spot to drop by after a day of sightseeing and compare various brands of sake.

Located on the third floor of the building, the shop has a simple interior with tables and chairs, with a very inviting atmosphere. It is popular for its all-you-can-drink selected local sake brands for a low price, so we recommend that you make a reservation.
Also the events vary depending on the day, so make sure to check beforehand.

The 80 or so sake and fruit liquors in the fridge are rotate around every two weeks. We recommend visiting with a friend to find your drink, especially if you’ll be in the area for an extended visit.

By comparing different sake, you could become a connoisseur in no time!

With so many to choose from it might be confusing, however there is a list with categories such as “refreshing & sweet,” “rich deep flavor style,” and “dry” for beginners.

Also if you let the staff know what you are looking for, they will make you the perfect recommendation.

Trying out all you can an eat quality sushi & all you can drink sake!

Trying out all you can an eat quality sushi & all you can drink sake!

The event we attended this time was the slightly extravagant “all you can eat quality sushi and Japanese dishes & all you can drink sake” (¥5,000).

The popular event, “all you can eat sushi & all you can drink sake” (¥4,000) is usually held every other week on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (may be held on other dates for special occasions).

If there is a specific event you want to attend, make sure to check their website.

You can pick any sake in the fridge and pour it in the sake cup, it is all self-service.

The first sake we had was “Hana Izumi (age oke choku tsume junmai muroka namagenshu)” from Fukushima Prefecture.

The sake has a fresh and sweet flavor that is fruity with a gorgeous fragrance. This easy to drink sake with firm umami is perfect for beginners.

If you prefer your sake hot, there is a sake heating device. Depending on how you feel, you can mix up cold and hot sake!

The event we attended also offered all you can eat Japanese dishes! They had perfect companion dishes for sake such as tamago yaki (Japanese omelet), tsukemono (pickles), and su no mono (vinegared dish).

The all you can eat quality sushi with over 20 types including chutoro (medium-fatty tuna) and nama uni (raw sea urchin).

They keep refilling the tray, so don’t worry and eat away!

Here are my favorites: chutoro, nama uni, ikura (salmon roe) and salmon!

You can enjoy authentic fresh sushi made with ingredients shipped directly from Tsukiji fish market!

We will have the chutoro glistening with fat.

The smooth tuna that is sweet and filled with umami expands in your mouth and melts. Just one sushi piece is so good that it will fill you with bliss.

Can’t stop going back to the hokkigai (surf clam) with the crunchy but springy texture.

Bite of sushi! A swig of Sake! This combination is unstoppable!

Since it is all you can eat & drink, you can head on over with your friend and enjoy the never ending rotation of deliciousness. Pure luxury at its best.

The sweet ikura that hits the spot!

The authentic sushi will make you forget that you are at a sake specialty shop and not a sushi shop.

You must try the nama uni without any strong smell.

You can instantly tell that the ingredients are fresh due to their rich aroma and natural flavors. We recommend that you enjoy the flavor as you sip on your sake.

As you eat sushi, you will naturally drink more sake. We then ordered the “Jokigen (junmai namagenshu shibori tate)” from Ishikawa Prefecture.

With a refreshing taste it goes down smoothly. With a sharp after taste and no accent, it doesn’t conflict with your meal and is a perfect match for sushi!

The store also has fruit liquor and we recommend Lychee. This is perfect for in between sake cups or even for a dessert, the drink has a firm sweetness of lychee.

It is a nigori zake (cloudy sake) that is a little thickness to it; the lychee pulp adds to the flavor and fragrance. It is sweet, but still refreshing.

1 free cup of premium sake!

1 free cup of premium sake!

Using the red ticket you receive during the all you can drink event, you can get one free cup of premium sake, which is not part of the course.

The selection of premium sake will change depending on the day, but there are about 8 brands you can pick from.

Also you can purchase a second cup of premium sake from 200 yen and up. This allows you to compare various premium sake for a reasonable price.

When we asked the staff for a recommendation of a “sweet and refreshing sake,” they brought us the Origarami (junmai ginjo).

The sake has a rich aroma and a fresh and juicy sweetness, which goes down smoothly.

A must-visit when you’re in Tokyo!

Events such as the “all you can eat quality sushi and Japanese dishes & all you can drink sake” (¥5,000), which we experienced this time and the popular event, “all you can eat sushi & all you can drink sake” (¥4,000) is held almost every month.

However the dates for the event may vary from month to month so make sure to check with their website.

Other than the all you can eat, they also have events such as comparing super premium sake.

Little Sake Square offers a great time for sake beginners, sake connoisseur and even food lovers.

A perfect opportunity to experience the various delicious taste of sake.

  • Little Sake Square
    Little Sake Square
    • Address 3F, 3-3-9 Kinshicho, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0013, Japan / 〒130-0013 東京都墨田区錦糸3-3-9 イーストビル3F
    • Nearest Station Kinshicho
    • Phone Number 03-5809-7116
    • Operation Hours: Monday ~ Friday 5:30 p.m. ~ 11 p.m. (L.O. 10 p.m.) / Saturday and Sunday 11:30 a.m. ~ 5 p.m. (L.O. 4 p.m.), 5:30 p.m. ~ 11 p.m. (L.O. 10 p.m.)
      Closed: Open daily

* Current information as of March 2018. All prices include tax. Product information may vary.

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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