HOME Tokyo and Surroundings Tokyo Odaiba teamLab Borderless Tokyo: Inside the Incredible Digital Exhibition!
teamLab Borderless Tokyo: Inside the Incredible Digital Exhibition!

teamLab Borderless Tokyo: Inside the Incredible Digital Exhibition!

Last updated: 24 February 2021

teamLab is the creative art group that represents “Cool Japan”. It combines technology with art to produce amazing interactive art that it exhibits all over the world gaining for itself an international reputation and selection by the world famous design culture web magazine designboom as one of the top ten art exhibitions in the world. At the beginning of last year its exhibition held at the Huashan Creative Park in Taipei, Taiwan was highly acclaimed setting a record of 200,000 visitors in a single day. This time it has established a permanent exhibition in the 10,000 square meter digital art museum of the Mori Building located in Odaiba, Tokyo. This large-scale exhibition creates a fantastic world using 520 computers and 470 projectors with the assistance of engineers, architects, and artists. This interactive creation allows visitors to experience it with their five senses and let their imaginations run free.as they discover a new form of digital art. This summer visit Odaiba and experience it for yourself.

Access, exhibition concept, and content

Access, exhibition concept, and content

The Mori Building Digital Art Museum: Epson teamLab Borderless that opened in Odaiba is near the Mega Web automobile theme park and below the Palette Town Ferris wheel. Get off either at the Tokyo Teleport Station on the Rinkai Line or the Aomi Station on the Yurikamome new transportation system and walk five minutes in the direction of the Ferris wheel and Odaiba Mega Web. Be careful to note that it is in the opposite direction of the Odaiba Seaside Park! “Borderless” is the concept of Mori Building Digital Art Museum: Epson teamLab Borderless. Art has no borders and there are no borders between people and art. In this complex three-dimensional exhibition space there are no signs or guides, so visitors are left to lose themselves in the mystical forest and explore it with all their senses. While viewing the exhibition visitors also become one of its creators and with others are able to produce new experiences. The exhibition is divided into five main worlds, each having one to seven art works. The content of the exhibitions is richly diverse allowing for a wealth of experiences. It is easy to become lost in a dream world while exploring this fantasy world, so you should allow yourself at least two hours here. The exhibitions are easy to operate which makes them enjoyable for children, too.

“A Beautifully Mysterious World / Borderless World”

“A Beautifully Mysterious World / Borderless World”

Borderless World is what you first encounter when you enter. It contains about 30 light and music art works. There are no clearly defined borders between each work of art, so they interact with and influence one another, and at times communicate with one another. Each work delights the eye with beautiful, sharply flowing images of flowers, butterflies, and other natural scenes. The images dance off the floors and walls creating a fantastic and mystical world that defies description.

The Beautiful and Exciting “Moving Forest” can be Enjoyed with All Your Senses

This is an interactive space where you experience the future based on the concept of “capture the world with your body and think about it three-dimensionally”. In this complex three-dimensional space you must use your body to clear tasks that have been set before you, forcing you to expand the hippocampus of the brain, and develop your powers of spatial recognition. The tasks you are required to complete using your body range from the easy to the difficult and can be enjoyed by both adults and children.

“Multi Jumping Universe”

“A lifetime among the stars in the galaxy” is the theme of Multi Jumping Universe. The galaxy is projected on a trampoline made from a special material. Several people can all jump on it at the same time and with each jump the galaxy changes slightly. When another person jumps at the same time as you, the stars change their form. Depending on the jumping, stardust and gases create new stars. This trampoline is made with a special material that gives it very good elasticity with each jump producing beautiful changes in the stars.

“Graffiti Nature - High Mountains and Deep Valleys”

Many beautiful and strange animals inhabit a gigantic three-dimensional space of varying elevations. These animals are drawn by everyone together. They cross mountains and valleys, move across the floor, walls, and open space transcending borders of the artistic work by jumping into the middle of others. These animals create an individual ecosystem in which they feed, breed, and die. They don’t just exist in this space, they influence through their actions. For example, a butterfly breeds on a blooming flower, when the flower is stepped on, it wilts. You not only view this space but interact with it, so if you are not careful and happen to step on an animal, it will die. If you stand still, the flowers at your feet will bloom. In this world there is a surprise awaiting you every second.

“Weightless Forest of Resonating Life”

This three-dimensional space is filled with objects emitting strange shapes of light which seem to defy gravity. These elastic light-emitting forms at times stand on the ground while others float in the air as though gravity had no effect on them making them appear to be hanging from the ceiling. If they tip over, the light they emit changes color and each emits sound. In doing that nearby objects emit the same color and sound. Here you can enjoy the sound and light effects which resonate like waves.

“Aerial Climbing through a Flock of Colored Birds”

In this space many boards of wood are suspended and connected by ropes. By holding onto the ropes on both sides visitors ascend the wooden boards. Because the boards are connected, another person’s movement affects all the boards. When a person steps from one board to another birds fly about. Each person has his own color so when birds come close, their colors also change. The visual images of the birds is not prerecorded, but created by the movements of the participants. The overall scene is continually changing and the same image is never repeated twice. Strength and technique are needed to cross the boards and the level of difficulty varies from board to board. Some of the more difficult ones are quite challenging, but there is no need for worry. The variation is such that even children can enjoy the challenges.

“Light Forest Three-dimensional Bouldering”

In this space there are many brightly lit round objects which are bouldering holders. Participants put shining accessories on their hands and proceed by grabbing those objects which are the same color as the accessories on their hands. Participants move through the three-dimensional space using their hands and feet, going forward and upwards in various directions, just as though they were climbing trees in a forest. If a participant is able to proceed using the same color the whole time a special sound is played and you can thus know the location of other participants. The bouldering light forest takes courage and strength as the challenges can go from the slightly difficult to very difficult, but it is not so difficult that you shouldn’t try it!

“Inverted Globe, Giant Connecting Block Town”

This space is like the arc of a bowl and as though the earth had been turned upside down. When the large blocks in the shapes of houses and stations are moved, cars and trains begin to move on them. Connecting the blocks creates a transportation system. As it grows, the town begins to develop. In addition to roads being created on the ground, there are also airplanes and buildings and a bird’s eye view is shown on an overhead screen. Also, rivers will overflow their banks during heavy rains and flood the town. When that happens, create channels using the pond-shaped blocks and divert the water to the sea which will fix the overflowing river banks.

This is a Futuristic Amusement Park that Teaches Children and Helps Adults Relive Their Childhood

This is an area intended to have educational value having for its concept “mutual creativity”. Together with others you freely create an “amusement park”. This is a space that gives full vent to the creative impulses of children playing and fosters the powers of observation and imagination not only in children but also helps adults remember such a period in their own lives.

“Sketch Aquarium

In the Sketch Aquarium participants freely color fish on paper with crayons. When they have finished, their paper is scanned and their colored fish appear on a screen giving the impression of them being in a large aquarium. The fish you drew are imbued with their own life and swim about merrily with the other fish in the aquarium. If someone tries to touch a fish, it will swim away. Something surprising happens when you shake the fish food bag! To see what happens, please pay a visit to this site!

“Sliding through the Fruit Field”

Colorful balls float on the sloping slide where various types of fruit grow. When you slide down the slope, it causes the sun to shine. When you bump a ball, it bounces off and when fruit bump each other they begin to grow. When blue-colored water balls bump seeds, the seeds begin to sprout and then blossom. The yellow honeybee balls pollenate the flowers which then turn to fruit. When the fruit bump each other it sets off fireworks and produces new seeds.
The fruit on the slope are both real and projected. When actually sliding down the slope the fruit is touched and the fusion between the virtual and real fruit is interesting. Both children and adults can enjoy the sudden changes created through the interaction with the objects on the slope.

“A Musical Wall where Little People Live”

Little people live and move about inside the four walls playing music. When mushrooms, ice sticks, trees and other things are stuck on the wall, little people gather around them and become active to the accompaniment of different types of music. Attaching different items results in the little people climbing the spot where they meet and causing a variety of new actions to take place.

“A Table where Little People Live”

In this space there are a number of tables on which items are placed. When a building-block frypan is placed on top of a table, what do you suppose will happen? Little people begin running around it, climbing on to it and dancing. These cute child-like illustrations all have enchanting stories.

A Forest of Lamps Floating in the Air Makes This a Beautifully Mystical Place

A Forest of Lamps Floating in the Air Makes This a Beautifully Mystical Place

Forest of Resonating Lamps – One Stroke”

When you approach a lamp and stop, the nearest one will shine brightly and play music. The light from it will then transfer on to the two next closest to it. As the light is transferred from lamp to lamp so is the same music transferred in a continuous manner. The direction of the light and music that may seem random actually follows a path created by the conditions of the two nearest lamps in its physical space and once the last lamp is reached it returns again to the beginning lamp. When other people are in the same space you can feel their presence by the path of the lights they create. These brightly shining lamps are like many beautiful stars shining down on a mystical and magical forest.

En Tea House is a Place Where the Drinking of Tea Becomes an Artistic Experience to be Enjoyed by All Five Senses

There are four types of tea from which to choose: cold brewed tea, yuzu green tea, green tea, and chamomile roasted green tea. First take a tin of tea, slightly open the lid and savor its aroma. After you take a seat, give the tea container to one of the staff and wait while tea is prepared for you. When the tea is poured into the tea cup flowers will begin to bloom in it one after the other just like a kaleidoscope. This is an experience enjoyed will all five senses.

Odaiba has many shops facing a broad expanse of sea and is a popular tourist spot with foreign visitors, but it has one more additional attraction which is a place full of unusual mystery and one perfect for couples. It is an attraction in which you can interact, one that stimulates the observations and imaginations of children created by the digital art group teamLab whose exhibitions have been held all over the world. This is a world class exhibition that is definitely worth visiting and one that will leave you with lasting memories.

  • Mori Building Digital Art Museum: Epson teamLab Borderless
    森ビル デジタルアート ミュージアム:エプソン チームラボ ボーダレス
    • Address 〒135-0064 東京都江東区青海1-3-8 お台場パレットタウン / Odaiba Palette Town, 1-3-8 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 1350064, Japan
    • Nearest Station 5-minute walk from Rinkai Line Tokyo Teleport Station
      5-minute walk from Shin Kotsu Yurikamome Aomi Station
    • Period: permanently from Thursday, June 21, 2018
      Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (9:00 p.m.)
      Friday and Saturday and day before national holidays 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (10:00 p.m.)
      Sundays and national holidays 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m.)

      *Last admission is one hour before closing time

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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