Tajima Hommachi
炭焼水七輪焼肉匠 たじま 本町
- Has Health & Safety Measures
30 result(s)
Sirloin steak
【特選 国産黒毛和牛】厳選3品 極上霜降サーロインステーキ- 200g 4,378 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Salt, Grated daikon radish, Ponzu, Yuzu pepper
- Ingredients Beef sirloin
Marbled steak
【特選 国産黒毛和牛】厳選3品 極上霜降ヘレステーキ- 200g 4,378 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Salt, Grated daikon radish, Ponzu, Yuzu pepper
- Ingredients Beef fillet
Marbled meat yakiniku
【特選 国産黒毛和牛】厳選3品 極上霜降三角バラ厚切り- Meals For 2 4,378 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Salt, Grated daikon radish, Ponzu, Yuzu pepper
- Ingredients Beef chuck rib
Assorted yakiniku (Red meat)
【最上級A5限定使用】ザ・極上5点盛- Meals For 4 8,778 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Beef tongue, Beef sirloin, Beef chuck rib, Beef top blade, Beef round
Suji (tendon)
【たじま新名物】ハサミで切って召し上がれ 一本スジ焼(沖縄の塩)- Meals For 1 1,408 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Beef tendon
Extra premium grilled tongue seasoned with salt
たじま特選 塩タン- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Salt
- Ingredients Choice grade beef tongue
Diced steak
特選 国産牛霜降 タンサイコロステーキ- 1,738 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Garlic sauce
- Ingredients Choice grade beef tongue
Misuji (top blade)
特選国産牛霜降ミスジ- 1,738 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Beef top blade
Marbled meat yakiniku
特選 国産牛霜降 ヒウチ- 1,738 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Sauce for grilled meat
- Ingredients Beef round
Premium loin
たじま 上ロース- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Ingredients Beef loin
Marbled meat yakiniku
特選 国産牛霜降 バラ厚切り- 1,628 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Sauce for grilled meat
- Ingredients Beef plate
Beef rib
たじま 上バラ- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Sauce for grilled meat
- Ingredients Beef plate
Rib finger meat
たじま あばら(中落ちカルビ)- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Sauce for grilled meat
- Ingredients Beef rib finger meat
Seared chicken thigh
兵庫但馬産 鶏もも肉- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Broil/Barbecue
- Ingredients Chicken thigh
Charcoal grilled fish
たじま 特大 海鮮4種盛- 2,178 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Soy sauce, Sauce for grilled meat
- Ingredients Shrimp, Japanese flying squid, Scallop, Crab
Grilled / sauteed vegetables
たじま 元気野菜盛り合わせ- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Cabbage, Onion, Green pepper, Carrot, Shiitake, Corn
たじま 荒挽きウインナー- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Pork, Sheep intestine
Assorted kimchi, 3 kinds
たじま 自家製 キムチ盛り合わせ- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Ingredients Kimchi, Chinese cabbage, Daikon radish, Cucumber
Tomato salad
たじま 完熟トマトサラダ~イタリアンドレッシング~- 858 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Mix/Blend
- Flavor Italian dressing
- Ingredients Tomato
たじま れもんシャーベット- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Freeze
Premium skirt
たじま 上ハラミ- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
Horse meat tartare
たじま桜馬ユッケ- 1,078 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Mix/Blend
- Flavor Gochujang
- Ingredients Horse meat, Scallion/Green onion/Leek, Egg yolk, Pine nut
Tontoro (pork neck)
たじま特選 豚トロ- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Fatty pork
Chicken cartilage (yakiniku)
兵庫但馬産 鶏なんこつ- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Chicken cartilage
Chicken wing tips
兵庫但馬産 鶏手羽先- 418 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Chicken wing
Marbled loin
特選 国産牛霜降 ロース厚切り- 1,628 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Ingredients Beef loin
Tecchan (beef large intestine)
たじま 自家製 てっちゃんチゲ- 968 JPY
- (Including tax)
Simmered sinew
【イチオシ!】たじま 自家製 牛肉どて焼き- 748 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Miso
- Ingredients Beef tendon
【オススメ】たじま 自家製チヂミ- 638 JPY
- (Including tax)
- Cooking Bake/Roast
- Flavor Sesame oil
- Ingredients Hen's egg, Wheat flour, Rice flour
Assorted yakiniku
肉盛りケーキ- the current [market] price
- (Including tax)
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.