Chikurin-no-Michi is a magical space filled with the fresh scent of bamboo and lush greenery, embodying the beauty of Arashiyama. It has appeared in a number of movies and TV series. The best times to visit are early morning and dusk to enjoy the atmosphere.
Location Information
- Address
Saga Ogurayama Tabuchiyama Town, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, 616-8394
- Nearest Station
Arashiyama Station
・ Keifuku Dentetsu-arashiyama Line
5 minutes on foot
- Phone Number
075-213-1717Available languagesonly in Japanese
Original source: ©Shobunsha Publications Inc.
Recommended Spots in Area
- Visiting
- Eating
- Shopping
- Lodgings
Okochi Sanso GardenArashiyama, UzumasaGardens
Arashiyama Monkey ParkArashiyama, UzumasaZoos, Aquariums & Botanical Gardens
RakushishaArashiyama, UzumasaOther Historic Sites
Sagano Romantic TrainArashiyama, UzumasaAdventure Activities
Arashiyama Bamboo ForestArashiyama, UzumasaOther Nature
Tenryu-ji TempleArashiyama, UzumasaTemples
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
How To Information