Location Information
- Address
hyogo null, 656-1743
- Nearest Station
Maiko Station
・ JR Kobe Line
・ JR San-yo Line
- Hours
Check-in 3:30pm - 12:00am
Check-out 12:00am - 10:00am
Original source: Rakuten Travel
Recommended Spots in Area
- Lodgings
8 Point Resort AwajishimaAwaji Island, MaikoUnique Hotels
Kamenoi Hotel AwajishimaAwaji Island, MaikoRyokan
Awaji Egaosakuie TonouchiAwaji Island, MaikoVacation Homes
Pension Turning Point (Awajishima)Awaji Island, MaikoUnique Hotels
Awaji Seaside Resort in IkuhaAwaji Island, MaikoVacation Homes
Sunset Villa AwajiAwaji Island, MaikoVacation Homes
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
How To Information