See flowers wild in nature and color
The powerful scents and sounds of a hot spring area
See tranquil landscapes unique to Hokkaido
The hilltop sports a lovely view
Hokkaido's only large-scale government managed park
A themed garden from a plant nursery
Experience the sound and steam of a geyser
Both selected as part of Japan's 100 best waterfalls
A 360-degree view, 160 meters above the ground
A spectacular scene unfolds for early birds
Japan's northernmost ice-free lake
A place to relax and enjoy nature and culture
Stunning views from 360 degrees of glass
Said to be one of Japan's finest observatories, a great place to watch the sunset
Survey the islands of Kunashiri, Rebun, and Sakhalin
Sea lions, seals, and many marine mammal shows
High ground facing Hakodate Bay; a great place to view sunsets
An English garden with more than 450 varieties of flowers and grasses
Where some of Japan's most beloved creatures come to eat
A massive and beautiful panorama awaits you at the top of the ropeway