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Conbini Cat Cakes: The Mini Cheesecake Trend Taking Japan by Storm

Conbini Cat Cakes: The Mini Cheesecake Trend Taking Japan by Storm

Date published: 17 June 2022

"Neko Neko Cheesecake" is an adorable cat shaped cheesecake that is popular in Japan - and now, a mini version is available!

The ALL HEARTS Company Co., Ltd. has released a mini version of their famous cheesecake, the “Nyan Tomo Oishii Cheesecake,” available in FamilyMart convenience stores all across Japan (excluding Okinwawa).

The cat crazed trend

Image: PR Times
Image: PR Times

Search #ねこねこチーズケーキ (Neko Neko Cheesecake) on Instagram, and you’ll see just how popular these cat-shaped cheesecakes are. It seems like everyone around Japan is clamoring to get their hands on these adorable desserts, and with good reason!

Their original cat-shaped cheesecake, "Neko Neko Cheesecake" (Image: PR Times)
Their original cat-shaped cheesecake, "Neko Neko Cheesecake" (Image: PR Times)

This isn’t just your average sweet maker looking for another way to use sugar, this is a cheesecake maker who only opened their first store in 2020 in Tokyo to the joy of cat and cheesecake lovers everywhere. Such popularity seems to have sparked the desire to spread that joy all over Japan!

Cute and tasty

Image: PR Times
Image: PR Times

Of course, it’s pretty obvious why these cheesecakes are gaining so much traction. Just look at them! “I could eat you with a spoon” is a phrase that gets all too literal once you have one of these in the palm of your hand.

The little cat-shaped cheesecakes aren’t just cute, though; they’re downright tasty, too. With the All Hearts Company Co., Ltd.’s cheesecake experience, you get to enjoy all the rich flavors of cheese alongside refreshing milky goodness.

The size makes them perfect for when you want a bit of a substantial snack, or when you’re looking for a small dessert that doesn’t leave you tempted to finish an entire bucket of ice cream.

Adorable packaging

Image: PR Times
Image: PR Times

But you would be wrong to think that the cuteness stopped at the cheesecake itself.

Even without knowing what these are, the packaging would likely catch your eye on any trip to FamilyMart. Sitting on a refreshingly light turquoise-blue is an adorable cat, pleading with you to offer it a slice of your delicious cheesecake.

But the best part of the packaging may be the cute name:
“にゃんともおいしいチーズケーキ” (Nyan Tomo Oishii Cheesecake).

This is a take on the Japanese phrase “Nan tomo oishii,” meaning “extremely delicious,” and “nyan,” meaning “meow.” This cute cat on the front is telling you exactly what to expect inside!

Where to buy it

Image: PR Times
Image: PR Times

For a while, you could only buy the original Neko Neko Cheesecake at their stores in person. Then, they were sold at select FamilyMart stores. But now, due to popular demand, the palm-sized desserts can be found at FamilyMart stores nationwide (unfortunately though, excluding Okinawa).

For such a luxurious and adorable dessert, the price is surprisingly affordable, at just 220 yen a pop, and they went on sale on May 17, 2022.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to grab your loose 100-yen coins and head to the nearest FamilyMart for a purrfect snack!

*Please note that the product's price, sale date, and other specifications may change.
*Product may not be available depending on store/region.
*Images for illustration purposes.

Source, Images: PR Times

Written by:

Cassandra Lord

Cassandra Lord

Cassandra Lord is a British journalist specialising in food, travel, and culture, and has been in Japan for five years after studying Japanese at Edinburgh University for four. With a year of experience as co-editor for LIVE JAPAN, Cassandra has since transitioned to freelance writing, contributing to a variety of platforms including The Japan Times and Tokyo Weekender. During her time in Japan she has visited 25 prefectures, with a goal to eventually visit all 47. She also manages her own YouTube channel, "Cassandra Lord", which is dedicated to all things related to Japanese culinary culture. She also works as a translator and photographer. Website: https://cassandralord.com/. YouTube: @cassandra_lord. Instagram: @incassieskitchen.

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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