Tokyo Guesthouse Oji Music Lounge opened in 2017. The Guesthouse is situated approx. 3 minutes from JR Oji Station, very near from Ueno and other main locations, and is surrounded by parks and good old Japanese townscape. Moreover, through Music, we want to share a wonderful time with musicians and music lovers from all around the World. Please have a good time and enjoy yourselves. We are looking forward to your visit.
■紀淡海峡のパノラマを一望する「NAGISAテラス」と海景の美しい和みカフェ「はまあざみ」 ■12種の彩浴衣・6種の帯から好みの組み合わせをチョイス可能。グループホテルの二種の源泉&三つの湯処巡りも ■湯と海を独り占めできる露天風呂付和洋室「波瑠香」 ■旬鮮ダイニングで堪能する四季折々の食材を使った料理 ■ハワイアンマッサージや貸切温泉露天風呂も