HOME 東京・東京周辺 東京 新宿 Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36
  • Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36
  • Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36
  • Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36
  • Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36
  • Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36

Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36


  • 料金は宿泊施設にお問い合わせください。


  • 言語スタッフ対応
  • Wi-Fi


東京の中心部にあるSeibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36は無料WiFiを提供しており、Choko-ji Templeまで徒歩数分以内、高麗博物館まで徒歩3分以内です。このアパートメントからInari Kio Shrineまで徒歩6分、サムライミュージアムまで600mです。


Seibu Shinjuku Station is a 2-minute walk, Shin-Okubo Station is a 6-minute walk, 2F of a 1 house in the heart of the capital, 16 people can stay overnight, BBQ grill is complete ISJ36のそばにはZenryu-ji Temple、Okubo Park、Koizumi Yakumo Memorial Parkなどの人気観光スポットがあります。羽田空港まで22kmです。


  • 住所



  • 最寄駅
    西武新宿 駅
    ・ 西武新宿線
  • Wi-Fi
  • 言語スタッフ対応


  • 全面禁煙
データ提供: Booking.com


  • 観光する
  • 食べる
  • 買う
  • 泊まる
※ 上記記載の情報は更新時のものですので、実際の価格と異なっている場合があります。現在の状況はご来店時にお問い合わせください。