HOME Normal make-up too boring? 5 fun DIY Japanese-inspired costumes for Halloween
Normal make-up too boring? 5 fun DIY Japanese-inspired costumes for Halloween

Normal make-up too boring? 5 fun DIY Japanese-inspired costumes for Halloween

Date published: 31 October 2020

Want to have a fun Halloween, but bored with the same costume? Here are some classic Japanese monster costumes for Halloween that you can make at home! These inspired costumes are fun to make at home with items you can easily buy online. You're sure to be the hit of your next Halloween party - virtual or otherwise - with these eye-catching styles!

The fox demon is a legendary monster that has a long tradition in Japan and other parts of Asia. These mischievous beings transform themselves into human forms and tease humans. Fox demons can often be found in Japanese anime and comics, and are very popular even today.

Since ancient times, in Japan, there have been legends that cats can shapeshift and change into monsters. As an inseparable part of Japanese culture, they also often appear in manga and games. Because the cat demon costume can be very cute, it can be a perfect fit for people with slightly mischievous personalities!

Ogres and horned demons are completely different Japanese monsters, many of who are said to torture sinners in the underworld.

While today miko are shrine maidens in Shinto, it's speculated that they once may have been shamans who would serve as a medium to communicate the will of the gods. You can go in the traditional way - or with a little makeup and fake blood, the feeling of Halloween will come out!

Ochimusha are defeated samurai warriors who fled the enemy during battle. As such, they have lost their honor and live as outcasts. Typically their bedraggled dress will include arrows protruding from their chest or head.

What do you think? It's almost time for Halloween! This year, try dressing up in one of these traditional Japanese costumes - you're sure to be the hit of your party!

Illustrations courtesy of Manga de Japan

*This information is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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