HOME Hokkaido Hokkaido Furano / Biei / Sounkyo Winery no Yado Inaka Club
  • Winery no Yado Inaka Club

Winery no Yado Inaka Club

ワイナリーの宿 田舎倶楽部

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  • Accepted Credit Cards
    Visa, JCB, MasterCard


This is a small inn with four rooms run by a farm. It is located in the countryside. There are no luxurious facilities, but the inn offers beautiful views of the mountains and vineyards. Breakfast is made with lots of fresh, pesticide-free vegetables from the farm.

Location Information

  • Address

    18 Higashi 9-sen Kita, Kamifurano-cho, Sorachi-gun, Hokkaido, 071-0529

  • Nearest Station
    Nishinaka Station
    ・ Furano Line
  • Hours
    Check-in 3:00pm - 12:00am
    Check-out 12:00am - 10:00am
  • Accepted Credit Cards
    Visa, JCB, MasterCard

Train tickets that will take you here

Original source: Rakuten Travel

Recommended Spots in Area

  • Lodgings
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.