One of Japan's Three Big Festivals
This botanical garden offers an extraordinary space where you feel as if you stepped into a jungle. Visitors can learn about the tropical plants that have a strong tie to their daily life.
A place connected to Matsuo Basho. A garden with flowers and trees associated with his haiku and Shiseki Tembo Teien with a waterside view are the highlights.
The only inn in the area where you can feel an atmosphere of tradition and relax by soaking in a bath surrounded by the grand nature
This is a shrine that worships the Emperor Meiji and his wife. It is one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Tokyo, and you can experience the traditional culture of Japan through various rituals.
A 300-m-high, one of Japan's highest buildings, Abeno Harukas is a landmark of Oasaka that features a department store, an art museum and a hotel.
Keeps precious materials belonging to the Ii Clan
The building and garden represent the modern Japanese architecture in a semi-Western style.
Puffy yet crispy. A popular store for Agemanju (deep-fried manju, or bun stuffed with azuki bean paste), which is an Asakusa specialty, always with a line of people.
Foreign Visitors WELCOME! SENTO. This establishment warmly welcomes international tourists.
Adventure islands
Learn about Nara's traditional crafts
Forest Village is an outdoor complex located in the middle of a beautiful spacious park.
Famous as a spiritual site believed to bring good luck in marriage
Appreciate masterpieces of French Impressionism
A guardian deity of water with miraculous virtue worshipped since ancient times. The shrine has been worshipped for better luck marriage by countless people through the ages, including nobles.
Dedicated to Toyo'uke-no-Omikami
Enjoy a cruise with black-tailed gulls
Berrick Hall is a Spanish-style mansion built on top of a hill. You can enjoy both the historical building and a garden that sits on 1,980 square meters of land.
Aeon Mall is a shopping mall where you can find everything you need for shopping and dining.