See flowers wild in nature and color
A snow-white curtain of water falls into a blue river
Animals play in the snow at this northern zoo
The hilltop sports a lovely view
A place to relax and enjoy nature and culture
Said to be one of Japan's finest observatories, a great place to watch the sunset
From Hokkaido's northernmost point, another country can be seen
High ground facing Hakodate Bay; a great place to view sunsets
See tranquil landscapes unique to Hokkaido
Three oak trees have withstood blizzards and drought to stand together as family
An active volcano protruding from Mt. Usu
Both selected as part of Japan's 100 best waterfalls
A scene immortalized in cigarette packaging
All the world's tulips in one place
A sloped street made famous in movies and commercials
See Japanese cranes in the wild
Learn about the Kushiro Shitsugen wetlands with display panels and video footage
Aptly named, this mysterious hot spring transforms an entire river
Rock reefs stretch offshore at this windy cape
Vivid primary colors decorate this hill