Rock reefs stretch offshore at this windy cape
See rare plants from the south
A fantastic array of lights brightens the canal
The history and culture of Hokkaido's indigenous Ainu people come alive at this outdoor museum
An active volcano protruding from Mt. Usu
Chock-full of discoveries about northern peoples
Breathe in this deep, green forest
From Hokkaido's northernmost point, another country can be seen
Keep an eye out for plentiful wildlife
All sorts of history-rich trains on display
Learn about the Kushiro Shitsugen wetlands with display panels and video footage
Fukumatsu Tanaka, the ”Herring Magnate” leader of a fisherman's union, built this lodge in Tomari-mura. Displays include implements related to the herring industry
This museum was once a ferry that connected Japan's main island to Hokkaido
One of Hokkaido's oldest and finest shopping streets
Hokkaido's only large-scale government managed park
Overlooking Showa-Shinzan and Lake Toya
A place to relax and enjoy nature and culture
The powerful scents and sounds of a hot spring area
Plumes of steam and the scent of sulfur rise from this hot spring pond
The biggest dome in Hokkaido, and most northern in Japan