The Tokyo Central Post Office was one of the first postal offices established in Japan in 1871. In 2012, it was moved to the current location that is now the bottom layer building of JP Tower, and has been drawing attention as one of Japan’s tourist spots. The products such as the clear document holders, masking tapes and postcards with the motif of Tokyo Marunouchi Station Building which can only be bought at the Tokyo Central Post Office is popular as a new Tokyo souvenir. If you post a postcard in the mailbox set around various places in Tokyo Station, they will seal it with the date stamp which has the scenery of Tokyo station.
Ubukeya is a ”Uchi Hamono” shop established in 1783 in Osaka. It was located in Edo during the Bakumatsu period, and is still around now. The store name came from the praises that their products ”can cut your ubuke (soft hair), can cut and remove”. They sell a range of products, from tweezers to Japanese knives, to scissors, western knives and other knives. If you take care of them meticulously, they can even be passed on to your grandchildren's generation. Apart from that, you may also find it interesting to see the wooden, quirky architecture of the shop.
Atami Castle is located on the top of Mt. Nishikigaura. The observatory in its tehnshu-kaku (donjon) commands a view of the whole of Atami. Atami is likened to a Monaco in the orient for its resort hotels and beautiful marine views. On a clear day, it is recommended to enjoy views while soaking your feet in the footbath on the first floor (free of charge).