Location Information
- Address
3-11-1, Ariake, Koutou-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063
- Nearest Station
Tokyo Big Sight Station
・ Yurikamome
3 minutes on foot
- Phone Number
03-5530-1111Available languagesonly in Japanese
- Closed
- None
*The following contents were edited by Gurunavi by researching information disclosed on websites.
Please use them for your reference.
Please use them for your reference.
Recommended Spots in Area
- Visiting
- Eating
- Shopping
- Lodgings
AirBicCamera DiverCity Tokyo Plaza StoreOdaibaElectronics Stores
Mosuke Dango main storeOdaibaOther Shopping
Anker Store DiverCity Tokyo PlazaOdaibaElectronics Stores
Decks Tokyo BeachOdaibaShopping Malls
DiverCity Tokyo PlazaOdaibaShopping Malls
Mitsui Shopping Park Urban Dock LaLaport TOYOSUOdaibaShopping Malls
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
How To Information