Kishimojin-do enshrines Kishimojin , a goddess of healthy childbirth and child rearing , who has long been worshiped.
An area with a concentration of shops specializing in ”otome-kei” (women-oriented) anime goods and doujinshi. The anime-themed restaurants are also fun.
This is Japan's major video community site Niconico Douga's showroom. Niconico allows individual users to host live broadcasts, and they also provide various anime and gaming shows catering to die-hard fans streamed live over the internet. The Niconico main office's studio is the one responsible for these live broadcasts. Aside from being able to watch public live broadcasts of some of the programs, they also have cafes and event spaces with electricity and Wi-Fi, as well as shops which sell original merchandise. Try to get a peek at their internet broadcasting office.
Rakugo is a type of humorous storytelling which depicts the daily lives of townspeople, fairy tales, and more. This is an old tradition which has been loved in Japan since the Edo period. Ikebukuro Engei-jo is a place in Ikebukuro where you can enjoy rakugo. There are chair seats available, so you can sit for a long time without trouble. Let yourself get sucked into the world created by the rakugo storyteller.