5 result(s)
Fabric: Liberty Print Tanalone
*Price per 1 meter生地 リバティプリント・タナローン
※価格は1mあたりOther (Other)-
3,740JPY (Including tax)
Fabric material set: Frilled collar blouse
生地材料セット フリルカラーブラウスOther (Other)-
8,459JPY (Including tax)
Stitch material set: Mixed pattern [diagonal grid]
刺し子材料セット 寄せ模様〈斜め格子〉Other (Other)-
1,727JPY (Including tax)
Hand knitting material set: Colorful blanket [viola]
手編み材料セット カラフルブランケット〈ビオラ〉Other (Other)-
7,997JPY (Including tax)
Embroidery material set: Stitch cloth [aroma scent]
刺しゅう材料セット ステッチクロス〈アロマの香り〉Other (Other)-
4,620JPY (Including tax)
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.