• Blue Ocean Ishigaki

Blue Ocean Ishigaki


Vacancy search, reservation

  • Please enquire directly about rates.

Check with our partner site as the latest rates, rate details, and guest room requirements may vary.

  • Accepted Credit Cards
    Visa, JCB, Diners Club, MasterCard, American Express


No cleaning during your stay. Vacuum cleaners are provided in each room.

Check-in is available between 15:00 and 18:30.

Staff will not be present after 18:30, so please be sure to complete the procedure during reception hours.

*Please be sure to let us know if your arrival is delayed due to flight delays, etc.

*Reservations made after 18:30 without notice may be canceled.

All rooms are oceanfront

All rooms are non-smoking

All rooms are free of charge Wi-Fi

All rooms are air-conditioned

All rooms have toilets with washing machines

All rooms have refrigerators, microwaves, and electric kettles

All rooms have face-to-face system kitchens

All rooms have washing machines (dryers available in the oceanfront corner)

Other notes

As there is no dedicated cloakroom, we cannot store luggage before check-in, after check-out, or in advance.

We do not generally provide additional rental equipment. Only items provided in the room will be provided.

We do not provide additional bedding or extra beds. The maximum occupancy is for two people using a double bed, so if you require bedding for the number of people, please make a reservation according to the number of beds.

One parking space is free, so please be sure to check the parking location.

Location Information

  • Address

    186-13 Maezato, Ishigaki-shi, Okinawa, 907-0002

  • Nearest Station
    Prefectural Office Station
  • Hours
    Check-in 3:00pm - 12:00am
    Check-out 12:00am - 10:00am
  • Accepted Credit Cards
    Visa, JCB, Diners Club, MasterCard, American Express
Original source: Rakuten Travel

Recommended Spots in Area

  • Lodgings
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.