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  • Yufuin Onsen Yufuin Sanso Waremoko

Yufuin Onsen Yufuin Sanso Waremoko

由布院温泉 湯布院山荘 吾亦紅

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All rooms are detached and have a spectacular view. All rooms are equipped with massage chairs and humidifiers.

1. The standard room has a garden and is spacious, with two rooms connected together. There are two open-air baths made of cypress and rocks on the terrace outside, and the indoor baths are all 100% free-flowing, carefully selected spring water.

2. The suite room is located on a hill. The indoor bath is a large cypress bath and two open-air baths made of cypress and rocks on the terrace.

3. VIP Room Fuji Room: 3 rooms in total, spacious enough for up to 4 people. The living room has a luxurious sofa and a Yufu roof in front.

The indoor bath is a cypress bath and the outdoor bath is a large open-air bath made of cypress and rocks.

Yamazakura Room: A spacious 6 tatami mat + 12-row secret room for two. The indoor bath is cypress and the outdoor bath is an open-air bath made of cypress and rocks.

Both VIP rooms offer in-room dining for breakfast and dinner. It comes with seasonal Seki horse mackerel.

4. On the top floor, the villas Koyoan and Fuyu no Tsuki are open.

Both are in great locations and have an open-air garden bath on the terrace with a truly spectacular view. The indoor bath is a stone bath.

★ Koyoan is made entirely of cypress and has four rooms with one double bed and one single bed.

★ Fuyu no Tsuki is a log house with a large terrace measuring 2m x 10m and featuring an open-air garden bath outside.

Location Information

  • Address

    589 Yufuincho Kawaminami, Yufu-shi, Oita, 879-5103

  • Nearest Station
    Oita Station
  • Hours
    Check-in 3:00pm - 12:00am
    Check-out 12:00am - 10:30am

Train tickets that will take you here

Original source: Rakuten Travel

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※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.