• Madarao Kogen Ski Resort

Madarao Kogen Ski Resort

  • Wi-Fi


Plenty of free services: 'Free lift tickets everyday for under 12's'. Children can ride on lifts whenever they want. 'Free snowboard lessons for beginners'. Free one-hour-lessons four times a day.

Plenty of powder snow, 'POWDER WAVE is twice the size!!' 'Extremely wide tree run trail POWDER WAVE 2' 'Upper slopes are all uncompressed snow'

Plenty for kids, 'Perfectly prepared kids park'.
'Fully equipped with moving walk way' 'Sky House is the free kids room' 'Building Block Room is the day nursery'

Location Information

Further Facilities & Services

  • Parking Lot: available
Original source: SURF&SNOW

Recommended Spots in Area

  • Lodgings
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.