From the works of masters to rising artists, get in touch with various works by Aomori artists
A place to appreciate masterful works of glass
Artworks await to gratify your spirit
Special local products such as sake, rice, and koji (aspergillus oryzae) are lined up
Experience arts from Akita
A nostalgic masterpiece of Taisho-period architecture
Enjoy the world of science as if you are playing a game
A museum telling all about Aomori's own master of art
A museum housing the entire collection of photographer Ken Domon
Immerse yourself in the deep and mystical world of Dali
Learn about the culture of Niigata
Appreciate masterpieces of French Impressionism
Discover Tohoku history and culture
A ritual worth fighting your fear to see
Learn about aviation science
View real-life tachineputa all year
A paradise of demons
You’ll feel as if you’ve gone back in time to prehistoric times.
Feel the history of Kitakami at the outdoor museum
Experience the wonders of the universe