High quality cheese made from local milk
A wind-resisting forest contrasts with fields
A world of mystery and illusion
Said to be one of Japan's finest observatories, a great place to watch the sunset
Vivid primary colors decorate this hill
A lone poplar tree stands amidst hills
Learn about the nature of Mt. Taisetsu with varied displays
Autumnal colors grace this area earlier than any other spot in Japan
Both selected as part of Japan's 100 best waterfalls
An English garden with more than 450 varieties of flowers and grasses
Sixty snapshots of Biei landscapes
One of Hokkaido's biggest resorts
Houses that gave new life to waste materials
Withered trees stand in a mystical pond
A fantasyland of snow and ice: this ski area sports an ”Ice Village.”
Bibaushi Elementary School can be seen in the distance
The nationally notable Sangaku National Park