A place where youth culture originates
Revel in the realistic starlit sky
A commercial complex with Yurakucho Marui, cinema, restaurants and so on.
High-quality style that is a notch above
A convenient building connected to Tokyo Station and Otemachi
A treasure trove of new ideas to enjoy one's daily life
A high-rise with offices, shops and restaurants
A Japanese garden with an abundance of greenery
A place to stay and enjoy a full day
Wish upon the matchmaking deity for success in love
A very popular melon bun to queue for
A museum full of interesting materials
A selection of 30 seasonal cakes as well as chocolates are available
Benzaiten, one of the seven lucky gods of Asakusa, is enshrined, and is said to bring benefits such as business success
Street connecting the east exit of Ikebukuro station to Sunshine, lined with numerous shops.
Let’s find character goods.
외국인 WELCOME! SENTO. 일본을 방문하는 관광객을 적극적으로 맞이하는 대중목욕탕입니다.
A park selected as one of the top 100 Japanese city parks, designed to enjoy water. You can play in the river.
도쿠가와 쓰네요시 쇼군의 생모인 게이쇼인의 발원으로 창건된 사찰.겐로쿠 시대의 모습을 유지한 본당은 일본의 중요문화재.
가부키나 민속 예능 등의 일본 전통 예능을 가까이서 감상할 수 있는 극장.