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  • 사무라이 뮤지엄

사무라이 뮤지엄


시설 설명

From ancient times, the Emperor and the nobility ruled Japan, but the time of samurai arrived after battles of Genji (the Minamoto family) and Heishi (the Taira family) in the end of Heian era. After that, samurai-centered Japanese society had been developed its own history about 700 years (from Kamakura to Edo era). In that 700 years of samurai age, Japan had been faced crisis such as, the Mongolian invasions of Japan, Spanish Armada, the arrival of the Black Ships (Perry’s fleet) and the Age of Discovery led by Portugal which meant Europeans notably the Portuguese and the Spanish became a threat for East Asian Countries. We introduce those brave samurai warriors and their spirit confronted the difficulties to not only Japanese people but also all people visiting from foreign countries.

시설 기본정보

  • 주소

    2-25-6, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0021

  • 가까운 역
    신주쿠 역
    ・ 쇼난 신주쿠선
    ・ 야마노테선
    ・ 주오 본선
    ・ 사이쿄선
    ・ 도쿄 지하철 마루노우치선
    ・ 도에이 지하철 신주쿠선
    ・ 도에이 지하철 오에도선
    ・ 게이오 전철 게이오선
    ・ 게이오 신선
    ・ 오다큐 전철 오다와라선
    동쪽 출구
    도보 8분
  • 전화번호
    지원 언어
  • 영업 시간
    10:30 - 21:00
  • 정규휴일

주변 추천 장소

  • 관광
  • 음식
  • 쇼핑
  • 숙박
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