이벤트 설명・조건 보기- 개최 기간 2024.12.10 10:00 - 2025.01.11 06:30
이벤트 상세
The brand name “Levätä” is derived from Finnish, the language of the birthplace of saunas, and means “rest.”
With the brand message, “For adults who can rest today, to thrive tomorrow,” we propose a comforting new haircare routine for busy modern individuals.
A sense of liberation that draws you in helps ease the day’s fatigue and worries.
이벤트 설명・조건 보기- 개최 기간 2024.12.10 10:00 - 2025.01.11 06:30
이벤트 상세
The brand name “Levätä” is derived from Finnish, the language of the birthplace of saunas, and means “rest.”
With the brand message, “For adults who can rest today, to thrive tomorrow,” we propose a comforting new haircare routine for busy modern individuals.
A sense of liberation that draws you in helps ease the day’s fatigue and worries.
※ 상기 내용은 업데이트 당시의 정보이므로 실제 가격과 다를 수 있습니다. 최신 정보는 매장 방문 시 직접 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.