An outlet mall close to the city centre with a wide variety of about 200 shops.
A resort outlet where you can enjoy shopping and various activities that take advantage of the waterfront environment, offering an extraordinary experience.
One of the largest resort outlets in Japan with approximately 300 shops, with direct bus services from Haneda Airport, Tokyo Station, Shinjuku Station, etc.
One of the largest outlet malls in Japan with about 300 shops.The food court offers ”Nagoya meshi” (Nagoya food).
Approximately 40 minutes from Shinjuku and Shibuya.Easy-going urban outlet mall.
The outlet is located in front of Tokyo Station, about 30 minutes by train from Tokyo Station, and is conveniently accessible by limousine bus from Narita and Haneda Airports!
명품 등 합리적 가격에 득템 기회까지
홋카이도 최대 규모의 아웃렛 몰에서 쇼핑을
One of Hokkaido's largest outlet malls.As well as a wide variety of fashion brands, there is also a wide range of Hokkaido's speciality souvenirs.
미츠비시지쇼・사이먼이 운영하는 프리미엄 아울렛인 시스이 프리미엄 아울렛은 나리타 공항에서 버스로 약 15분이라는 매우 가까운 거리에 위치해 있다. 버스요금은 350엔. 도쿄역에서 출발시 버스로는 약 50분 걸리며, 전철로는 JR 시스이역 또는 게이세이 시스이역에서 하차 후 버스로 환승을 해야하는데 약 1시간 20분이 소요된다. 이동하는 시간을 고려하면 귀국 전에 둘러보는게 효과적이다.
The biggest outlet mall in Japan, with 290 brand stores. Visitor can enjoy beautiful Mt. Fuji view while shopping.