Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Tokugawa family in the Edo period, established Sanjusangen-do for the peace in the country, national security, and tempering martial arts. The hall built after the manner of ones in Kyoto became the beginning of Yasaki-inari. The name Yasaki also came from ”yumi” (a bow) and ”ya” (an arrow). Fukurokuju (god of happiness, wealth, and long life) of the seven deities is placed at the right side of the worship hall in front of the main building.
- 地址
2-14-1, Matsugaya, Taitou-ku, Tokyo, 111-0036
- 最近車站
淺草 站
・ 銀座線
・ 都營淺草線
・ 東武伊勢崎線(東武晴空塔線)
・ 築波快車
- 聯絡電話
- 休息日
- 無
- 旅遊景點
- 美食
- 購物
- 住宿
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