• 鎌倉歷史工房
  • 鎌倉歷史工房
  • 鎌倉歷史工房
  • 鎌倉歷史工房
  • 鎌倉歷史工房




  • 限定店鋪售賣

    其他(展示會) 至本日止

    • 活動日期 2024-07-27 11:00 - 2024-07-28 16:00
    • 活動費用 1,320日圓(含稅)
    • 活動内容 Shibuya is hot on this day!
      Japan's proud paper artists gather in Shibuya.
      For two dreamlike days, visitors can "see, buy, and experience" a variety of three-dimensional paper works created by artists just for this occasion!
      Paper, paper, paper as far as the eye can see!
      The quality of the paper is so good that you will be glued to the paper!

      Please come and experience the surprise and excitement at the venue!

      【Official website】https://kamakura-hs.com/event

      ●Examples of Genres●
      Miniatures/Figures/Vehicles/Karakuri(Mechanism toys)/Instruments/Cutouts/Origami/Miscellaneous goods, etc.

      ※Admission ticket is required for admission.
      ・Advance tickets: Adults 1,100 JPY / Children 550 JPY
      ・Same-day tickets: Adults 1,320 JPY /Children 770 JPY

      【Ticket Pia】https://t.pia.jp/pia/event/event.do?eventBundleCd=b2449013
      (Advance tickets are now on sale at Ticket Pia)
  • 限定店鋪售賣

    其他(展示會) 至本日止

    • 活動日期 2024-07-27 11:00 - 2024-07-28 16:00
    • 活動費用 1,320日圓(含稅)
    • 活動内容 Shibuya is hot on this day!
      Japan's proud paper artists gather in Shibuya.
      For two dreamlike days, visitors can "see, buy, and experience" a variety of three-dimensional paper works created by artists just for this occasion!
      Paper, paper, paper as far as the eye can see!
      The quality of the paper is so good that you will be glued to the paper!

      Please come and experience the surprise and excitement at the venue!

      【Official website】https://kamakura-hs.com/event

      ●Examples of Genres●
      Miniatures/Figures/Vehicles/Karakuri(Mechanism toys)/Instruments/Cutouts/Origami/Miscellaneous goods, etc.

      ※Admission ticket is required for admission.
      ・Advance tickets: Adults 1,100 JPY / Children 550 JPY
      ・Same-day tickets: Adults 1,320 JPY /Children 770 JPY

      【Ticket Pia】https://t.pia.jp/pia/event/event.do?eventBundleCd=b2449013
      (Advance tickets are now on sale at Ticket Pia)
※ 上述刊載資訊為更新時之資訊,可能與實際價格相異。目前最新資訊請於來店時詢問。