HOME 東京及周邊地區 千葉 千葉近郊 ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests
  • ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests
  • ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests
  • ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests
  • ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests
  • ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests

ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests

ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests



  • 可提供的語言對應
  • Wi-Fi


ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests 位於市川,距離 Tekona Reijindo Temple 不到 1 公里,設有陽台、花園和 WiFi(免費)。這間 Villa 的住客可以使用設備齊全的廚房。

這間空調 1 臥室 Villa 設有 1 間衛浴,備有浴缸。住宿提供平面電視。

ZEN Kokufudai, 30 minutes to Disneyland , 4-minute walk from the nearest station ,Entire building!5 bedrooms, maximum 10 guests 附近的人氣景點包括 Mamasan Guhoji Temple、 Zenyoji Temple 和 Yogo no Matsu。東京羽田機場距離住宿 35 公里。


  • 地址

    市川3−12−7, Ichikawa, Chiba, 272-0034

  • 最近車站
    國府臺 站
    ・ 京成線
  • Wi-Fi
  • 可提供的語言對應


  • 全面禁菸
資訊提供: Booking.com


  • 旅遊景點‎
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