- 可使用的信用卡
- VISA, MASTER, 大來卡, 美國運通卡, JCB, 銀聯
- Wi-Fi
- 有
A large shopping mall located approximately 30 minutes from Tokyo Station. In addition to fashion and general merchandise shops, there is also a currency exchange facility that handles 31 currencies.
*Some shops have different opening hours.
*Please check the latest opening hours on the 'Notices' page of the facilities' website before visiting.
north wing/south wing/west wing
west wing 1F Harbour Dining
weekday 10:00~20:00
Sat, Sun, public holidays 10:00~21:00
north wing 1F〜3F Harbour Grill
south wing 3F Dining terrace
weekday 11:00~21:00
Sat, Sun, public holidays 11:00~22:00
*As of 2023 Apr.
- 地址
2-1-1 Hamacho, Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, 273-8530
- 最近車站
南船橋 站
・ 京葉線
- 聯絡電話
- 營業時間
10:00 - 20:00
*Some establishments have different business hours.
- 休息日
- 不固定
- Wi-Fi
- 有
- 可使用的信用卡
- VISA, MASTER, 大來卡, 美國運通卡, JCB, 銀聯
- 可以使用電子貨幣
- 支付宝, 微信支付, 其他電子貨幣
- 詢問處
- 有ATM
- 開放兒童入場
- 可吸菸
- 有洗手間
- 有哺乳室
- 有停車場
- 美食
- 購物
※ 上述刊載資訊為更新時之資訊,可能與實際價格相異。目前最新資訊請於來店時詢問。