钟表博览会 到2025-03-30止
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-03-08 00:00 - 2025-03-30 23:59
- 活动详情 During the fair, customers who purchase an IWC watch will be given the option of choosing from the following special benefits: "Free installment payments up to 84 months (only during the fair)" or "IWC genuine strap service (for leather band models only) (Saturdays and Sundays only)". In addition, all customers who purchase an IWC watch will receive an IWC novelty item. Please feel free to consult with our staff if you have any questions about the stock status of your favorite model. We look forward to seeing you in our store.
钟表博览会 2025-05-25
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-05-25 00:00 - 2025-05-25 23:59
We will offer coffee and financiers to customers who try on the products.
Customers who make a purchase will receive a free set of Sadaharu Aoki baked goods (in a special IWC box).
钟表博览会 从2025-05-17起
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-05-17 00:00 - 2025-05-18 23:59
- 活动详情 Our boutique staff will provide a watch diagnosis for your watch.
钟表博览会 从2025-05-10起
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-05-10 00:00 - 2025-05-11 23:59
- 活动详情 Customers who come after 3pm will be offered a German beer while trying on watches.
钟表博览会 从2025-05-03起
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-05-03 00:00 - 2025-05-05 23:59
We will give away an IWC leather box (limited quantity) to customers who try on new products.
We will give away an IWC leather box (limited quantity) to customers who order or purchase new products.
钟表博览会 从2025-04-26起
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-04-26 00:00 - 2025-04-27 23:59
- 活动详情 Our boutique staff will provide a watch diagnosis for your watch.
钟表博览会 从2025-04-19起
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-04-19 00:00 - 2025-04-20 23:59
We have baked goods from Sadaharu Aoki available for customers trying on items.
Customers who make a purchase will receive a free set of baked goods from Sadaharu Aoki (in a special IWC box).
钟表博览会 从2025-04-12起
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-04-12 00:00 - 2025-04-13 23:59
- 活动详情 We offer beers from all over the world to customers who come after 3pm to try them out.
钟表博览会 从2025-04-05起
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-04-05 00:00 - 2025-04-06 23:59
Customers who try on the items will be offered coffee and Baumkuchen.
Customers who make a purchase will receive a free IWC Caran d'Ache ballpoint pen.
钟表博览会 到2025-03-30止
查看活动说明与参加条件- 举办日期 2025-03-08 00:00 - 2025-03-30 23:59
- 活动详情 During the fair, customers who purchase an IWC watch will be given the option of choosing from the following special benefits: "Free installment payments up to 84 months (only during the fair)" or "IWC genuine strap service (for leather band models only) (Saturdays and Sundays only)". In addition, all customers who purchase an IWC watch will receive an IWC novelty item. Please feel free to consult with our staff if you have any questions about the stock status of your favorite model. We look forward to seeing you in our store.
※ 上述登载资讯为更新时内容,可能与实际价格不符。目前最新资讯请来店时垂询。