12,090日元起 ~ 1间房,大人2名
- 工作人员语言
- 英语, 中文(简体字)
- 信用卡种类
- 美国运通卡, VISA, MASTER, 大来卡, JCB, 发现卡, 银联
- Wi-Fi
- 有免费Wi-Fi
At 南伊豆ランドホピア Minami Izu Land Hopia, guests can rent out an entire wooden lodge. Free Wi-Fi is available in the rooms and guests can relax in the public open-air bath. JR Izukyushimoda Train Station is a 1-hour public bus ride away. The nearest bus stop is Icchodai.
The lodge comes with a private bathroom. Guests can sleep on futons on wooden floors, and each lodge has a washing machine (some are shared). The kitchen comes with a microwave, a stove and a fridge.
Irozaki is a 35-minute drive from Minamiizu Hopia Land, while Monkey Park is a 15-minute drive away.
- 地址
Ihama Icchouda 1597-1, Minamiizu, Shizuoka, 415-0531
- 最近的车站
莲台寺 站
・ 伊豆急行线
- 营业时间
- 入住 15:00 - 17:00
- Wi-Fi
- 有免费Wi-Fi
- 工作人员语言
- 英语, 中文(简体字)
- 信用卡种类
- 美国运通卡, VISA, MASTER, 大来卡, JCB, 发现卡, 银联
- 有停车场
提供数据: Booking.com
- 住宿酒店
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