• Pension Orange Beer

Pension Orange Beer

ペンション おれんじびーる




This pension is popular for its charcoal-grilled 100% Higo Akaushi beef hamburger for barbecue-style dinner and homemade bread for breakfast.
There are rooms that can accommodate 4 or more people, which is rare in nearby pensions, and a log house with a wood stove that can be rented as a whole.
There are 3 guest rooms in the main building and a total of 4 rooms in the log house building.
In the garden where seasonal flowers bloom, there are seesaws and swings handmade by the owner, which are especially popular with children.
There are some parts that are not as well-equipped as compared to hotels, but we would appreciate it if you could help us spend a relaxing and calm time.


  • 地址

    4635-5 Kawayo, Minamiaso-mura, Aso-gun, Kumamoto, 869-1404

  • 最近的车站
    熊本 站
  • 营业时间
    入住 15:00 - 00:00
    退房 00:00 - 10:00


提供数据: Rakuten Travel


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