江户时代(嘉永4年・1851年)创业的老字号当铺(免税店)。 2014年荣获浦安市优秀企业奖。
One of the largest resort outlets in Japan with approximately 300 shops, with direct bus services from Haneda Airport, Tokyo Station, Shinjuku Station, etc.
The outlet is located in front of Tokyo Station, about 30 minutes by train from Tokyo Station, and is conveniently accessible by limousine bus from Narita and Haneda Airports!
A gigantic shopping mall located about 30 minutes via train from Tokyo Station. Featuring about 440 specialty shops and a 10-screen cinema
The Shisui Premium Outlet is just a 15-minute bus ride away from Narita Airport. With a fare of 350 yen, it’s a prime spot to drop by either before your flight or right after. From Tokyo Station, it takes about 50 minutes by bus. If you prefer to go by train, get off either at JR Shisui Station or Keio Shisui Station, then ride a bus to the outlet mall – that takes about 80 minutes.
从成田国际机场可以直达。附近还有旅游景点 ”成田山”,购物、观光都很方便。 这是一家以 ”丰富的商品选择 ”和 ”惊人的低价 ”为理念的 ”家庭式综合折扣店”。 产品种类丰富,满足客户多样化的生活方式,店内除了提供典型的DONki产品之外,包括生鲜食品、日用消费品、药品、家电、服装等。