[东京] Private Walking Tour of Hidden Gem & Geisha District: Kagurazaka + 箱根周游券(2/ 3日) 套票


箱根周游券(2/ 3日)

千石谷 / 小田原 / 强罗 / 新宿 / 早云山 / 桃源台港 / 箱根汤本 / 箱根町 / 芦之湖

5,700~6,100 JPY

[东京] Private Walking Tour of Hidden Gem & Geisha District: Kagurazaka

8,000 JPY

  • Welcome to Kagurazaka, a Hidden Gem in Tokyo!
  • Let's Walk the Path Built by Shoguns!
  • Since it can get quite hot during the day in summer, we also recommend our night walks. Kagurazaka, with its traditional entertainment district, offers a charming atmosphere in the evening, which many of our guests thoroughly enjoy.
  • Kagurazaka Street, built for the 3rd Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu in 1636, offers an authentic Edo experience. Highly recommended by Shinjuku residents, Kagurazaka ranks first as a top destination for foreign tourists. Despite its popularity, it remains a hidden gem.
  • Kagurazaka boasts a rich history, blending samurai heritage, geisha districts, and shopping streets. Stroll through its charming, narrow cobblestone alleys, unchanged since the Edo period. Explore with old maps, but be mindful of the maze-like streets; navigating them is best done with a local guide.
  • Experience the blend of history and modernity. Come and explore Kagurazaka, where every corner holds a surprise.





  • 东京西武线川越1日乘车券

  • 东急电铁一日券

  • 东京地铁乘车券(一日 / 二日 / 三日)

    800~1,500 JPY

  • 【秩父 川越】SEIBU 1 Day Pass 西武铁路一日优惠通票(多种套票可选)

    1,000 JPY

  • 伊豆箱根线铁道 & 巴士1日/2日乘车券

    1,200~1,700 JPY

  • 西瓜卡(Welcome Suica)& JR线路一日通票

    1,500 JPY

  • 【东京交通票券】京王线一日券+高尾山缆车套票

    1,910 JPY

  • 【日光自助必备】东武铁道日光周游券 ( 四日 )

    2,120~4,780 JPY

  • 日光市广域周游券 (浅草領取) - 二日券

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • 日光周游券(电子票)

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • 【优惠】Skyliner京成电铁车票

    2,310 JPY

  • 【东京交通套票】京王线一日券+读卖乐园入场券套票

    2,600 JPY

  • 东京Skyliner京成电铁 + 东京地铁乘车券套票

    2,900~5,600 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX) (成田机场1号航站楼 - 东京)

    3,070 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX) (东京 - 成田机场1号航站楼)

    3,070 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX) (成田机场1号航站楼 - 新宿)

    3,250 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX) (新宿 - 成田机场1号航站楼)

    3,250 JPY

  • 箱根镰仓周游券(3日)

    7,520 JPY

  • 日本东京交通票券|箱根鎌仓周游三日券

    7,520 JPY

  • 富士箱根周游券

    9,340 JPY

  • JR 新干线(京都 - 东京)

    13,320 JPY

  • JR 新干线(新大阪 - 东京)

    13,820 JPY

  • JR东京广域周游券 (3日)

    18,485 JPY

  • JR Pass 东日本长野&新潟地区铁路周游券(5日)

    27,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 东日本东北地区铁路周游券(5日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR北陆拱形铁路周游券(7日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR东日本・南北海道铁路周游券(6日)

    35,000 JPY

  • JR PASS 全日本铁路通票(连续7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
