【히다고산】JR 타카야마-호쿠리쿠 투어리스트 패스 (5일권) 로 가는 [교토] Karate Experience in Kyoto


【히다고산】JR 타카야마-호쿠리쿠 투어리스트 패스 (5일권)

가나자와 / 교토 / 나고야 / 다카야마 / 도야마 / 시라카와고 / 오사카 / 후쿠이 / 히다
인기 관광지・이벤트
가가 온천 간사이 국제공항 게로 온천 겐로쿠엔 고카야마 시라카와고 주부 국제공항 히다 타카야마
[교토] Karate Experience in Kyoto
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • Studio Tomi offers basic karate training and exciting performance experiences.
  • Authentic karate uniforms are available for rent at the studio.
  • We begin with basic training by putting on the sleeves of the gi and tightening the obi.
  • After learning about breathing and the spirit of etiquette, a professional trainer will perform a dance.
  • We also have a performance called “Saiwari”. This is done by breaking the board with your bare hands.
  • Since it uses the power of energy to break, even women and children can easily break it.
  • At the end of the experience, we plan to take a commemorative photo wearing the gi.
  • The experience is completely private and limited to one group per lesson, so
  • One of the attractions is that you can participate only with close partners.
  • The trainer who teaches the training has 25 years of experience in karate. He is a talented former kickboxing champion, so participants can enjoy a meaningful karate experience even in a short amount of time.

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