【간사이 히로시마】JR 산요 산인 패스(7일권) 로 가는 [교토] Online Japanese tea meditation


【간사이 히로시마】JR 산요 산인 패스(7일권)

고베 / 교토 / 나라 / 다카마쓰 / 돗토리 / 시모노세키 / 야마구치 / 오사카 / 오카야마 / 와카야마 / 하기 / 하카타 / 히로시마
인기 관광지・이벤트
간사이 국제공항 나라공원 돗토리 사구 원폭돔 유니버셜스튜디오재팬 이쓰쿠시마 신사
[교토] Online Japanese tea meditation
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • This experience will be an online lesson.
  • You will be using ZOOM, so please be prepared for an internet connection.
  • 1 I explain about Japanese tea ceremony.
  • 2 I show you how to make matcha by easy way.
  • It's called "bondemae",this is an abbreviated tea ceremony that does not use authentic tea ceremony utensils such as a tea kettle and ladle, but uses a teapot and tray.
  • 3 Let's try making matcha by yourself.
  • We use teabowl, tea whisk, matcha powder but if you don't have these utensils please prepare these utensils.
  • Please use your favolite bowl. Without tea whisk, you can make tea with milk former, small whisk.
  • If you cannot get matcha powder, please use cocoa powder.
  • In my workshop, the most important things are enjoying making tea and understanding that the Japanese tea ceremony is an active meditation.
  • And you can enjoy the tea meditation with your own utensils anytime you want.

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