[교토] Ninja Trekking half-day tour at Mt.Daimonji Kyoto
5.0 ( 여행후기3건 )
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • Ninja trekking at Mt. Daimonji one of power spot of Kyoto 36 peaks.
  • Ninjutsu is a comprehensive survival art, and it is packed with survival techniques, body manipulation methods, breathing methods, mind and body training methods, meditation methods, and the wisdom of mountain walking. While learning these techniques, it is a trekking tour that climbs from Keage (Nanzenji) to Daimonji (Nyoigatake) and descends to Ginkakuji. The course is 7.5km in length and is relatively gentle and safe. It takes about 4 hours to complete the 3-hour course, so even beginners can participate. Ninjutsu and mountain walking specialists will guide you.

京都のパワースポット東山三十六峰・大文字を巡る忍者トレッキング 忍術とは総合生存術であり、サバイバル術や身体操作法、呼吸法、心身鍛錬法、瞑想法、山歩きの知恵などが詰まっています。それらの術を学びながら、蹴上(南禅寺)から大文字(如意ヶ岳)へと登り銀閣寺へ下るトレッキングツアーです。全体で7.5km、比較的なだらかで安全なコースで、通常3時間のコースを4時間ほど掛けて歩きますので、山歩き初心者の方でも参加できます。忍術と山歩きのスペシャリストがガイドします。

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