【오사카】난카이 올 라인 2일 패스 로 가는 [오사카] Cultural Cooking Class Featuring Ramen Sushi and Tea Ceremony


【오사카】난카이 올 라인 2일 패스

간사이 국제공항 / 고야산 / 난바 / 사카이시 / 와카야마
인기 관광지・이벤트
간사이 국제공항 고야산 기시와다 단지리 다시마쓰리 닌토쿠 천황릉
[오사카] Cultural Cooking Class Featuring Ramen Sushi and Tea Ceremony
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • Embark on a culinary escapade in vibrant Osaka! From a serene tea ceremony to crafting sushi and ramen with the legendary Katsuji, immerse yourself in the flavors of Japan and depart with skills fit for a kitchen ninja and a stylish souvenir. Led by Katsuji, a culinary virtuoso, and his daughter Chiharu, this experience promises a taste of Osaka's gastronomic wonders. Delight in a tranquil tea ritual, hands-on cooking sessions, and relish your creations, topped off with a bespoke keepsake – calligraphy art by Katsuji. Dive into the delicious world of Japanese cuisine with this unforgettable adventure, perfect for foodies and families craving a taste of authentic Japan!

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